If you are looking for information about Waste Depots in York Region please visit, York.ca/WasteDepots, or if you are looking for Household Hazardous Waste information please visit York.ca/HHW.
Enter the item you no longer need or select a category and Bindicator will find the best options for where it should go.
Please place this item in the garbage. Oversized water jugs and pails are not accepted in the blue box. Residents are encouraged to purchase returnable water jugs instead of single use, 15-litre water jugs. Check your local municipal website or waste calendar for size restrictions at the curb. Otherwise, drop this item off as garbage for a fee at select waste depots.
This item is household hazardous waste (HHW) and can be taken to a HHW depot for proper recycling and disposal. All HHW should be in original containers and well-marked. Containers are not returnable. Do not mix products. Residents may drop off up to 60L of HHW and 20 fluorescent tubes per day at York Region HHW Depots.
This item is household hazardous waste (HHW) and can be taken to a HHW depot for proper recycling and disposal. All HHW should be in original containers and well-marked. Containers are not returnable. Do not mix products. York Region residents may drop off up to 60L of HHW and 20 fluorescent tubes per day at York Region HHW Depots.
Plastic ironing boards can be placed in the garbage. This item can be dropped off as garbage at the Georgina Waste Transfer Station or a Community Environmental Centre (CEC). Disposal fees will apply. This item may also be suitable for collection at the curb, please check your local municipal website or waste calendar for further information. Metal ironing boards can be recycled as scrap metal at select York Region Waste Facilities. This item can be dropped off, free of charge, at select waste depots. A fee may be required if the item cannot be recycled.