If you are looking for information about Waste Depots in York Region please visit, York.ca/WasteDepots, or if you are looking for Household Hazardous Waste information please visit York.ca/HHW.
Enter the item you no longer need or select a category and Bindicator will find the best options for where it should go.
This item can be dropped off at any Community Environmental Centre (CEC) or Georgina Transfer Station for recycling. Fee's apply for concrete recycling. Concrete must be separated from asphalt and brick. Visit york.ca/wastedepots for more information.
This item can be dropped off at any Community Environmental Centre (CEC) or Georgina Transfer Station for recycling. Clean wood must be separated from treated or painted wood. Nails do not need to be removed. Fees apply, visit york.ca/wastedepots for more information.
Clean drywall can be dropped off at any Community Environmental Centre (CEC) or Georgina Transfer Station for recycling. Fee's apply for drywall recycling. Painted drywall and/or drywall with nails must be separated from clean drywall. Fees will apply, visit york.ca/wastedepots for more information.
This is yard waste. Please check your local municipal website or waste calendar for further collection information. Yard waste can also be dropped off at Bloomington Compost Site, McCleary Court CEC or Georgina Transfer Station as yard waste. Fees will apply. Click map icon for locations.
Loads of dirt/soil/clean fill/gravel or sand are not accepted at any York Region depot. Consider using your clean soil in your gardens or contact a local landscaping service provider or garden centre to arrange for disposal.
This is commercial hazardous waste. Please contact a hazardous waste disposal company to safely dispose of this waste. It is not accepted at any York Region depot.
Do not place dead animals in your recycling, green bin or garbage for collection. York Region Waste Facilities do not accept these items. If the animal is on private property, property owners are responsible for disposing of dead wild animals on private property. If you choose to dispose of it yourself, consider burying it. If the animal is on a roadway or public space, please contact your local municipality.