If you are looking for information about Waste Depots in York Region please visit, York.ca/WasteDepots, or if you are looking for Household Hazardous Waste information please visit York.ca/HHW.
Enter the item you no longer need or select a category and Bindicator will find the best options for where it should go.
Please place disposable diapers in the green bin. Consider switching to cloth diapers as they are a more environmentally friendly alternative that can be used instead of disposable diapers. Did you know? One child requires an estimated 6,000 disposable diapers which is the equivalent to 1 tonne of waste and can save a family an estimated $500 to $2000 per child.
Please return all liquor, beer and wine and bottles, cans and tetrapaks to a Beer Store. The Beer Store also accepts the bottle caps, plastic rings and bladders from boxes of wine.
This item is electronic waste. It can be taken to a York Region depot or community drop-off location for proper recycling and disposal. Some working items may also be accepted by reuse donation centres. Limits apply (max. 50kg per household per day; disassembled electronics will not be accepted). Residents are responsible for removing all personal information from items before drop off. Tip: This item can be repaired at an electronics repair shop