Infection Prevention Resources

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Title Description Additional Language
Pool, Whirlpool and Splash Pad Inspection Questions Information about what Public Health Inspectors look for when inspecting these facilities
Precautions to Reduce the Risk of Transmission Precautions to Reduce the Risk of Transmission
Preparing Household Bleach As A Disinfectant A poster showing how to prepare household bleach as a disinfectant
Preventing Illness at Day and Recreational Camps Infection prevention and control practices to follow at your Recreational Camp to prevent the risk of illness
Proper Cleaning and Disinfection Practices in Child Care Settings A fact sheet providing information about proper cleaning and disinfection practices to be followed in child care settings.
Public Health Requirements for Policies and Procedure There are 12 policies and procedures that are required by Public Health for every child care centre.
Rabies - Fight the Bite! Information on how to protect yourself against rabies
Salons and Spas Inspections Information on what Public Health Inspectors look for when they inspect these facilities
School Outbreak Fact Sheet Proper cleaning and disinfection along with good hand hygiene prevent the spread of illness at home and school.
Sensory Play Fact Sheet Sensory Play Fact Sheet