Community Housing at 62 Bayview Parkway

York Region is exploring a new opportunity to develop community rental housing at 62 Bayview Parkway. This future redevelopment will help address the significant need for housing in York Region. The site is centrally located in the Town of Newmarket, close to public transportation, shops, services and park space.
The Region will consider building approximately 250 units with a range of rental options that include affordable and market rents. While planning is still in the early stages, the design will commemorate the history of the original building and include indoor and outdoor amenity space.
The final design will be determined through the planning process with input from community members. By working with the Town of Newmarket and engaging with our neighbours, we can address community considerations and build an inclusive, welcoming community.
Subscribe to the project e-newsletter for updates
Here is a look at the anticipated project timeline:
- 2021 - Project Launch: Demolition work
- 2022 - Concept Development: Select architect and environmental due diligence
- 2023 - Planning Applications: Submit planning application and begin schematic design
- Late-2023 - 2025 - Temporary outdoor amenities for community use
- 2024 - Detailed Design: Obtain building permits and select builder
- 2025-2027 - Construction
- 2027-2028 - Occupancy: New residents move in
*Specific dates may change depending on planning application process and confirmation of funding

How can I get involved?
We want to hear from nearby neighbours, businesses, community agencies and the broader community. Your input will play an important role in the project and help ensure our plans respond to community needs. Thank you for your interest!
Past Public Consultations
Thank you to everyone who participated in a previous virtual and in-person Public Information Centres (PIC) for this redevelopment. The feedback we received during each PIC helps to inform planning and the ways we are connecting with the community.
Virtual PIC #3 - June 22, 2023
Virtual PIC #2 - June 22, 2022
Virtual PIC #1 - September 23, 2021
Community Liaison Committee
Members of the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) are working closely with York Region staff to provide input and address issues throughout the planning and construction phases. The committee will also explore opportunities to integrate the new housing development into the surrounding neighbourhood. Representatives include local residents, businesses and community groups.
Learn more about the CLC by consulting the Terms of Reference.
Details on future community engagement opportunities will be posted to this page when they are available.
Where can I get more information?
If you would like more information about this housing development, future engagement opportunities, or the work of the Community Liaison Committee, please email or call 289-338-8063
Answers to frequently asked questions and more resources are provided below.
If you have general inquiries, please contact Access York:
Phone: 1-877-464-9675
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
Frequently asked questions
Answers to frequently asked questions from the community are available below.
Why community housing?
Housing is the foundation of strong and caring communities. Safe, secure and affordable housing is essential for everyone.
Community housing provides subsidized or affordable rents to households with low and moderate incomes, delivered by non-profit and cooperative housing providers and Housing York Inc. (HYI), York Region’s housing company. At the end of 2023, there were more than 15,700 households on York Region’s subsidized housing wait list.
The future housing development at 62 Bayview Parkway will help house more households on the Region’s wait list for affordable housing. The development will include a mix of affordable and market rents to help support a complete community and increase diverse housing options in the Town of Newmarket. HYI typically strives to provide 30% of units at market rent, and 70% at affordable rent (rent geared to income).
Why is more affordable rental housing needed?
Affordable housing is one of the greatest challenges facing the Region today. In the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, York Region has the lowest proportion of rental housing at 14%, and the highest proportion of households spending 30% or more of their income on housing costs, with 52% of renters facing affordability challenges.2 In early 2021, York Regional Council passed a resolution declaring a housing affordability crisis. York Regional Council is committed to building complete communities with a full range of housing options and services to support residents at all ages and stages of their lives. This commitment includes investing in community housing.
2 Housing Matters: A Review of the Housing Market in York Region (2019 Update)
What is York Region’s role in community housing?
As the designated Service Manager under the Housing Services Act, York Region is responsible for funding, administering and delivering community housing and homelessness services as mandated and regulated by the province.
The Region’s housing provider, Housing York Inc., has a critical role within the community housing segment by providing safe, affordable housing options to nearly 4,500 residents. Housing York Inc. owns and operates 41% of community housing units in York Region and has committed to doubling the rate of growth to increase much needed community housing supply.
What is Housing York Inc.?
Housing York Inc. (HYI) is York Region’s housing company. As a leader in York Region’s housing sector, HYI manages and maintains 37 housing properties with more than 4,500 residents in approximately 3,000 units located in all nine local cities, townships and towns. HYI is the largest community housing provider in York Region.
Where is 62 Bayview Parkway?
62 Bayview Parkway is located in the Town of Newmarket’s Huron Heights-Leslie Valley neighbourhood. It is centrally located, just north of Davis Drive near The Tannery Mall, Newmarket GO Station and Southlake Regional Health Centre. The site also backs on to the Tom Taylor Trail, Newmarket’s portion of the Nokiidaa Trail System.
What is being proposed on the site?
A future redevelopment at 62 Bayview Parkway presents a timely opportunity to address York Region’s significant need for new affordable housing. The Region will explore building up to 250 units on this site with a range of rental options that include affordable and market rents.
The planning and design components of the new building are in progress, so final details are not yet determined. The site is expected to include parking and indoor and outdoor amenity space in addition to the residential apartments.
How can I apply to live here?
The community housing developments operated by HYI include both subsidized and market rental units. This project is currently in its pre-development stages with construction anticipated to begin in 2025. Please visit to get updates on project timelines and to subscribe for the project e-newsletter.
Please see below for more information on Subsidized and Market Rent Housing.
Subsidized housing
For information about subsidized housing in York Region, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, please visit or call Access York at 1-877-464-9675. New applicants should be aware that the demand for subsidized housing in York Region is high and wait times are long. If you are not on the subsidized housing wait list already, it is unlikely you will be offered a unit in this building when it opens.
Market rate units
Vacancies for the market rate units will be filled on a first-come, first served-basis. There is no wait list for HYI market rent units. Information on future market rent units, including rent and move-in dates, will be available closer to the end of construction. Residents interested in market rent units available from HYI can visit for more information.
Why 62 Bayview Parkway?
York Regional Council is committed to building complete communities with a full range of housing options and services to support residents at all ages and stages of their lives. For many, finding affordable housing in York Region is challenging and there are limited options for people to find supportive, safe and suitable housing.
The redevelopment at 62 Bayview Parkway provides an opportunity to help address the need for new purpose-built rental housing, and ensures the site continues to support community well-being while maintaining a strong public legacy. The site is centrally located in the Town of Newmarket, close to public transportation, shops, services and park space.
Since 62 Bayview Parkway is Regionally-owned property, there is a timely opportunity to help support diverse housing options in the Town of Newmarket.
Does the provision of community housing align with the public legacy of the property?
The property was gifted to York County by Mable Davis in 1954 with the intent that it always be used for public purposes in memory of her father, The Honourable Elihu James Davis, formerly Minister of Crown Lands in the Province of Ontario and Warden of the County of York and his wife, Margaret Johnston Davis.
Housing is the foundation of strong, caring, safe communities and is a key social determinant of health. The Region is satisfied that a community housing development on this property satisfies the public intentions of the donor.
HYI has an important role in creating complete communities and connected neighbourhoods. The redevelopment of 62 Bayview Parkway will also present an opportunity to explore options for broader community use.
Why was the existing building at 62 Bayview Parkway demolished?
The building at 62 Bayview Parkway was constructed in the 1950s and did not meet current accessibility or environmental sustainability standards. The building was vacant and required extensive renovations to upgrade it to modern standards. Rehabilitating the existing building to convert it to modern affordable housing would create significant financial barriers and reduce the land’s efficiency. After careful consideration and to support new housing opportunities, York Region undertook the safe and secure demolition of the building.
What will happen to the site now that demolition works are complete?
In summer 2022 the site was graded (levelled) and seeded with grass. A wooden fence was installed along the east side of the property. The parking lot remains closed. The site will continue to be monitored and maintained by York Region. As construction of new housing will not start until 2025 at the earliest, York Region is considering temporary options for the property. The Region will work with the Town of Newmarket, the community and the Community Liaison Committee to explore interim options for the site.
Community members have suggested a bike path, walking loop and vegetable gardens. There will be further opportunities to share ideas through a community survey in spring/summer 2023 and the next Public Information Centre anticipated for summer 2023.
What is the history of 62 Bayview Parkway?
The property at 62 Bayview Parkway has a long-standing history with public service as the site of the original York County Administrative Building since 1954. The existing building was constructed in 1957 and continued as the first Regional headquarters when York County dissolved and The Regional Municipality of York was established in 1971.
In 1994, Regional headquarters moved to 17250 Yonge Street in the Town of Newmarket. For over 25 years, 62 Bayview Parkway was occupied by the Region’s Community and Health Services Department to operate public services such as Ontario Works. In late 2020, 62 Bayview Parkway was one of 11 Regional locations that consolidated into 17150 Yonge Street.
Redeveloping 62 Bayview Parkway provides a unique opportunity to dedicate our land to help more people find safe and suitable housing. The new affordable housing options will ensure the site continues to provide a vital public service and support community well-being for many years to come.
What is the planning approval process for this redevelopment?
The proposed redevelopment at 62 Bayview Parkway will require municipal approvals and rezoning from the Town of Newmarket before construction can begin. Features such as building design, site access, servicing, waste, parking, landscaping and sustainability are reviewed by the Town of Newmarket as part of the Site Control Plan to ensure the development will be functional, attractive and compatible with the surrounding area.
The proposed redevelopment will need to respond to several policy and design documents, such as the Town of Newmarket Official Plan and Urban Design Guidelines, to ensure it is well designed and respectful of its surrounding area.
Who will be engaged as part of the redevelopment?
Community consultation and engagement is critical to refining the redevelopment plans. York Region has developed a robust community consultation and engagement plan to support the future community housing development at 62 Bayview Parkway. This plan will seek to engage diverse groups which may include nearby neighbours, local business owners, community agencies and special interest groups. By working with the Town and our neighbours throughout the planning and design process, we can address community considerations and build an inclusive community where everyone has a place to call home.
What is the impact to the existing community?
As the Town of Newmarket considers York Region’s proposal for a future community housing development, a number of studies, including environmental and traffic studies, will be required to secure approval.
Impacts on existing infrastructure and traffic
As part of the planning process, there will be a review of existing water and wastewater capacity. Any additional services required for the new development (hydro, water, sanitary and storm sewers) will also be considered through the planning process.
A traffic impact study will be done as part of the development approval process. The study will look at the potential impact of the redevelopment and identify ways to ensure the road network operates safely and effectively.
Impacts to the natural area
York Region’s aim is to preserve the forested area on the site. The proposed redevelopment is intended to be maintained on the portion of the property that is already developed and would not extend into the bordering Mabel Davis Conservation Area. An environmental impact study is underway to identify opportunities to mitigate impacts on the surrounding area, including the adjacent bird sanctuary.
Impacts on local schools and hospitals
Growth targets for the Town of Newmarket are provincially mandated. Local school boards are involved during the planning process and will be allowed to comment on the future development application.
Southlake Regional Health Centre is currently developing an expansion plan to ensure they continue to meet the needs of the community today and into the future.
How is York Region working to protect the natural environment near the property and ensure sustainability?
Protecting the natural environment is a priority during all York Region construction projects. The proposed redevelopment is intended to be maintained on the portion of the property that is already developed and would not extend into the bordering Mabel Davis Conservation Area. An environmental impact study will be undertaken to identify opportunities to mitigate impacts on the surrounding area, including the bird sanctuary. To protect the natural area during the demolition and construction phases, all activity will take place within a fenced area. Regular inspections will take place to ensure the fencing is maintained.
York Region will continue to work with our partners at the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority throughout this project.
Is access to local trails being maintained?
York Region recognizes the importance of access to green space and forest trails. The Tom Taylor Trail/Nokiidaa bike trail pass behind the property at 62 Bayview Parkway. Work occurring at the site will not impact existing trails and residents can continue to access these trails.
York Region recommends using one of the safe and accessible trail entry points located close by at George Richardson Park. For more information about local trails and the best entry points, visit the Town of Newmarket website.
What will the future community housing building look like?
We are in the early planning stages and a number of options will be considered throughout the planning process. Feedback from community consultations will be used to inform and refine building concepts.
York Region is planning to build up to 250 units on this site with a mix of rental options that include affordable and market rents. The size of the future development will be determined by balancing the need to help as many residents in need of housing as possible with the site’s constraints and surrounding context. The final number of units will be influenced by the available size, natural heritage features, design considerations and local infrastructure capacity.
Building concepts will respond to policies in the Town of Newmarket Official Plan.
We anticipate presenting additional building concept details to the community for feedback throughout 2023.
What about community safety?
HYI properties are designed with safety in mind. Throughout the planning process, we work with the community and our partners, including York Regional Police, to provide safe, secure and inclusive housing. For the safety of our residents and neighbours, future development plans will include Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles and will be reviewed by York Regional Police.
York Region will work closely with neighbours and a Community Liaison Committee to ensure all perspectives about the design of the building and surrounding property are heard throughout the planning and construction processes.
Will the future community housing be accessible?
All units will be designed with universal accessibility features in mind (e.g., some will have ground floor access, waist height light switches and electrical plugs, open design). In addition, at least 15% of all units will be fully accessible (as per accessibility and building code requirements).
How long will development take?
The new development will take approximately four years to complete and is subject to municipal planning approvals and federal and/or provincial funding assistance. This timeline allows for comprehensive planning, design and tendering processes, and an approximate two-year construction phase, depending on site and construction considerations.
Will the community be able to access the site once new community housing is constructed?
HYI has an important role in creating complete communities and connected neighbourhoods. The redevelopment of 62 Bayview Parkway is an opportunity to explore options for broader community use.
How will this project be funded?
York Region is committed to increasing the supply of affordable rental housing. Investments from provincial and federal government will be needed to help fund this new development.
As part of York Region’s commitment to responsible fiscal stewardship, consultants and contractors brought on throughout the redevelopment are procured in line with the Region’s purchasing by-law.
Who will be living in the new housing building?
62 Bayview Parkway will provide housing options for seniors, families and individuals. The redevelopment at 62 Bayview Parkway will contain a mix of affordable and market rent units.
Households on York Region’s subsidized wait-list, like York Region as a whole, are diverse and represent different ages, family composition and backgrounds. York Region’s subsidized housing wait- list is kept in chronological order, as required by the Province of Ontario. Currently, over 40% of individuals on the wait-list are seniors.
Once construction is complete, available affordable housing units will be offered to applicants with the highest placement on the wait-list for the building and available unit type. Placement is determined based on application date and defined priorities, such as special priority for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking.
Market rent vacancies are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Residents interested in market rent units available from HYI can visit for more information.
Why are there more community housing sites in some York Region cities and towns?
Prior to 2000, community housing locations throughout York Region were built and maintained by the federal and provincial governments.
Since 2000, when York Region assumed responsibility for community housing, HYI has sought development opportunities that are close to public amenities such as transportation, shops, services and park space. HYI will continue to pursue opportunities to develop new community housing in all nine local cities and towns.
What steps are being taken to increase the supply of community housing?
York Regional Council has set the foundation to address housing challenges by encouraging a full range of housing options and supporting investments in new affordable rental housing projects.
HYI’s strategic plan outlines the ways the Region’s housing company is addressing housing challenges. Priorities include expanding the housing portfolio, promoting inclusive communities and successful tenancies and ensuring financial sustainability. Community partnerships and investments from senior levels of government is also critical to help fund new developments and meet the critical need for housing.
What about transitional housing opportunities?
Transitional housing provides a supportive and affordable living environment that helps to bridge the gap between emergency housing and permanent housing. People living in transitional housing generally stay for three months up to one year.
A number of transitional housing developments have recently been completed including Passage House located at 18838 Highway 11 in the Town of East Gwillimbury and The Bridge located at 20898 Dalton Road in the Town of Georgina.
The Town of Newmarket is also partnering on the development of an emergency and transitional housing location on Yonge Street.
You can learn more about York Region’s current transitional housing projects by visiting
What is a Community Liaison Committee?
A Community Liaison Committee is made up of residents, business owners and local community agencies and meets to provide frequent and detailed updates and get feedback.
Members of the Community Liaison Committee work closely to address community considerations throughout the planning and construction phases of the redevelopment.
For information about the Community Liaison Committee, please email
How can I stay involved?
We want to hear from nearby neighbours, businesses, community agencies and the broader community as public input plays an important role in the project and helps ensure our plans respond to community needs. Thank you for your interest.
Stay connected by visiting for:
- Project information and updates
- Past public consultation presentations
- Frequently asked questions
- Upcoming public engagement meetings
Subscribe to the project e-newsletter for quarterly updates. Please note, the frequency of updates is subject to change.
Comments or questions?
If you have questions or would like to learn more about this future community housing development, please contact the Community Liaison at 289-338-8063 or
Presentations and Resources
- Interim Use Community Survey What We Heard report
- Community Housing at 62 Bayview Frequently asked Questions
- Holiday Greetings and 2022 Year in Review –December 22, 2022
- Public Information Centre #2 Presentation – June 22, 2021
- Public Information Centre #2 Live Polling Results, Promotions
- Public Information Centre #1 Presentation – September 23, 2021
- Town of Newmarket Committee of the Whole Presentation – October 25, 2021
- Community Housing Information Guide
Community Liaison Committee Meeting Presentations
- Community Liaison Committee Meeting #4 Presentation – September 26, 2023
- Community Liaison Committee Meeting #3 Presentation – May 17, 2023
- Community Liaison Committee Meeting #2 Presentation – June 9, 2022
- Community Liaison Committee Meeting #1 Presentation – March 10, 2022
- CLC Terms of Reference