Groundbreaking ceremony for new road connection over Highway 404
Newmarket – In partnership with the City of Markham and the City of Richmond Hill, The Regional Municipality of York is constructing a new road connection across Highway 404 and the Rouge River connecting Leslie Street in the City of Richmond Hill to Woodbine Avenue in the City of Markham.
This new connection between the two municipalities will accommodate growth, provide more travel options and improve access and connectivity within the area.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
3 to 3:30 p.m.
Cachet Woods Court (at the end of the court)
City of Markham

Improvements include:
- Constructing a new four-lane road connection over Highway 404 and the Rouge River
- Widening, extending and connecting Orlando Avenue in the City of Richmond Hill and Markland Street in the City of Markham
- Extending Cachet Woods Court to connect to the newly constructed road crossing
- Installing sidewalks, multi-use pathways, streetlighting and landscaping
- Caring for the environment by planting thousands of native trees and plants, stabilizing and naturalizing the river and improving storm water quality
For more information on road construction projects visit
The Regional Municipality of York consists of nine local cities and towns and provides a variety of programs and services to more than 1.2 million residents and 55,600 businesses with more than 615,000 employees. More information about the Region’s key service areas is available at
Media Contact:
Tamara Ostrowski, Corporate Communications,
The Regional Municipality of York
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 71226 or Cell: 905-251-6412