Take Charge of Your Batteries

Since 2019, batteries thrown in the garbage and recycling are the main suspects for causing six fires at York Region’s waste depots, putting many people at risk. Batteries crushed or overheated in garbage and recycling trucks or at waste depots can ignite.
All batteries are hazardous waste. They contain combustible, flammable materials and should not go in the garbage or recycling.
Dead or unwanted batteries can be dropped off safely at York Region waste depots or participating battery collection sites often located at community centres and retailers. To prevent potential sparking and risk of fire cover ends of used batteries with electrical, duct or packing tape, and collect them in a plastic bag or container before bringing them to a battery collection site.
Handling your batteries properly protects everyone’s safety and the environment.
For more safety tips and drop-off locations near you visit york.ca/hhw