York Region sends critical support to Town of Gravenhurst after unprecedented snowfall

As a helpful partner and neighbour, The Regional Municipality of York is providing snow equipment and staff to support the Town of Gravenhurst as it remains in a state of emergency due to substantial snowfall over the weekend.
Town of Gravenhurst snow plow crews and contractors continue to clear roads, but work has been limited because of obstacles across roads and snow volume. After a call for assistance, York Region’s Road Operations team quickly outfitted and sent three tractors with snow blower attachments and operators to support the town.
York Region is also supporting by clearing roads and paths for residents in distress and ensuring paths are clear for hydro workers to get much needed power back on for residents. Roads Operations staff will continue to support the Town of Gravenhurst as they work through this challenging time.
Reminders from the Town of Gravenhurst to residents experiencing extreme snowfall
- Please stay home
- Avoid travel by foot or car; attempting to navigate roads impedes the ability for workers to deal with snow removal, downed trees and downed power lines
- Town of Gravenhurst snow plow crews and contractors continue to clear roads, but this work is limited and slow because of obstacles across roads and snow volume
- Emergency services are limited, and in some instances, might not be able to respond
Learn more about York Region’s road operations at york.ca/Roads