Thank you for feedback on our plan to make York Region more accessible

York Region and York Regional Police are committed to making services, programs and facilities accessible. Thank you for helping us create a more accessible York Region by sharing your feedback on York Region’s Draft 2023 to 2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
About the project
York Region is committed to creating welcoming and inclusive communities that value the diversity of our residents and allow every person to thrive, free of barriers and without discrimination.
We strive to make York Region more inclusive and accessible for everyone. For more information on our efforts to remove barriers to accessibility across York Region, please visit
The plan
York Region’s Draft 2023 to 2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines how the Region and York Regional Police are going to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and remove barriers to accessibility in programs, services and facilities.
The plan builds on progress made as a result of the York Region 2020 to 2023 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
What this means for you
Your feedback on York Region’s Draft 2023 to 2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is critical and will guide how the Region and York Regional Police support an inclusive, accessible and welcoming community for everyone. The plan will be presented to York Regional Council in late 2023.
More information
For more information visit or email