Regional Clerk's Office
Corporate Services Department
Revised Agenda
Committee of the Whole
September 6, 2018
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Chairman's Opening Remarks
B. Disclosures of Interest
C. Presentation
C.1 Annual Invasive Species Update
Ian Buchanan, Manager, Natural Heritage and Forestry Services, Environmental Services
(Please refer to Item F.2.1)
D. Deputation
(Subject to the Committee granting deputant status.)
[Click on the title of the following Deputation Request to view it]
D.1 WITHDRAWN Green Lane Secondary Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan
This request was withdrawn by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. on August 31, 2018.
E. Transportation Services
Chair – Regional Councillor Spatafora
Vice-Chair – Regional Councillor Jones
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
E.1 Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
E.1.1 York Region Transit Expansion of 55 Orlando Avenue - Town of Richmond Hill
Paul Jankowski, Commissioner of Transportation Services dated August 10, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
E.1.2 Municipal Road Transfer - Elgin Mills Road Transfer and Donald Cousens Parkway Extension Transportation Planning Study
Kimberley Kitteringham, City Clerk, City of Markham dated June 1, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff
E.1.3 York Region Transit Routes 52 and 58
Fernando Lamanna, Municipal Clerk, Town of East Gwillimbury dated June 6, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff
E.1.4 York University - Transit Service Changes
Paul Jankowski, Commissioner of Transportation Services dated September 4, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
E.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
E.2.1 Agreement with Canadian National Railway for Rail Grade Separation on Keele Street North of Steeles Avenue - City of Vaughan
E.2.2 King-Vaughan Road Assumption and Bylaw Update
E.2.3 York Region and York Regional Police Joint Services Agreement Amendment
E.2.4 Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for 16th Avenue Improvements at Highway 404 - Town of Richmond Hill and City of Markham
F. Environmental Services
Chair – Regional Councillor Ferri
Vice-Chair – Mayor Quirk
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
F.1 Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
F.1.1 2017 Annual Solid Waste Diversion Report [3.7 MB]
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services dated August 21, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
F.1.2 Moving Canada Towards Zero Plastic Waste: Federal Government Plastic Waste Consultation
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services dated August 9, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
F.2 Report
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
F.2.1 Annual Update on Invasive Species [3.9 MB]
G. Community and Health Services
Chair – Regional Councillor Taylor
Vice-Chair – Regional Councillor Rosati
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
G.1 Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
G.1.1 Opening Doors Together - Social Services First Activity Update 2017
Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated August 9, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
G.1.2 2017 Long Term Care Performance Report
Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated August 9, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
G.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
G.2.1 Public Health Programs 2017 Year End Settlement Reports [2.2 MB]
G.2.2 Discontinuation of the Expanding Paramedicine in the Community Program
G.2.3 Registration of Securities for Investment in Affordable Housing Program
G.2.4 Update on the Markham Inter-Church Committee for Affordable Housing Development in the City of Markham
G.2.5 Report No. 2 - Accessibility Advisory Committee
H. Planning and Economic Develoment
Chair - Regional Councillor Li
Vice-Chair - Mayor Dawe
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
H.1 Communications
[Click on the title of the following Communication to view it]
H.1.1 Green Lane Secondary Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan
Jack Wong, Malone Given Parsons LLP dated September 4, 2018
Recommend: Receive and refer to Item H.2.1
H.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
H.2.1 Green Lane Secondary Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan [4.5 MB]
H.2.2 Mid-Year Development Activity Summary 2018 [4 MB]
H.2.3 Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks - Transfer of Review Program Agreements for Administration and Delegation of Responsibility
H.2.4 Report No. 3 - Planning Advisory Committee
H.2.5 Report No. 4 - Planning Advisory Committee
I. Finance and Administration
Chair - Mayor Barrow
Vice-Chair - Mayor Pellegrini
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
I.1 Communications
I.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
I.2.1 Provincial Changes with Potential Budget Implications
I.2.2 2018 Operating and Capital Budget Mid-Year Progress Report
I.2.3 2018 Development Charge Bylaw Amendment: Timelines, Communications and Procedures
I.2.4 Appointment of External Auditor and Award of External Audit Services Contract
I.2.5 Contract Awards Including Renewals, Approvals and Emergency Purchases - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018
I.2.6 Indemnification Bylaw
I.2.7 Acquisition of Land - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Newmarket [2.2 MB]
I.2.8 Compensation for Expropriation - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Aurora and Town of Newmarket
I.2.9 Compensation for Expropriation - Rutherford Road from Westburne Drive to Peter Rupert Avenue - City of Vaughan
I.2.10 Compensation for Expropriation - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project
I.2.11 Expropriation of Land - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project
I.2.12 Expropriation of Land - 53 Jacob Keffer Parkway - City of Vaughan
I.2.13 Expropriation Settlement - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor - 54 Davis Drive - Town of Newmarket
I.2.14 Telecommunications Installations on Regional Property Policy Update
J. Notice of Motion
K. Other Business
L. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
L.1 2018 Development Charge Payment of Potential Complaints - Potential Litigation
L.2 Status of the 2017 Development Charge Bylaw Appeals - Solicitor- Client Privilege
L.3 22 Prospect Street - Town of Newmarket - Acquisition or Disposition of Land and Potential Litigation
L.4 Update on Regional Household Hazardous Waste Depot and Transportation District Facility Sites - City of Markham - Acquisition or Disposition of Land
L.5 Attachment to Item I.2.7 - Acquisition of Land - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Newmarket - Acquisition of Land
L.6 Attachment to Item I.2.8 - Compensation for Expropriation - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Aurora and Town of Newmarket - Acquisition of Land
L.7 Attachment to Item I.2.9 - Compensation for Expropriation - Rutherford Road from Westburne Drive to Peter Rupert Avenue - City of Vaughan - Acquisition of Land
L.8 Attachment to Item I.2.10 - Compensation for Expropriation - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project - Acquisition of Land
L.9 Attachment to Item I.2.13 - Expropriation Settlement - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor - 54 Davis Drive - Town of Newmarket - Acquisition of Land
M. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session
N. Adjournment
Regional Clerk's Office
Corporate Services Department
Revised Agenda
Committee of the Whole
September 6, 2018
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Chairman's Opening Remarks
B. Disclosures of Interest
C. Presentation
C.1 Annual Invasive Species Update
Ian Buchanan, Manager, Natural Heritage and Forestry Services, Environmental Services
(Please refer to Item F.2.1)
D. Deputation
(Subject to the Committee granting deputant status.)
[Click on the title of the following Deputation Request to view it]
D.1 WITHDRAWN Green Lane Secondary Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan
This request was withdrawn by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. on August 31, 2018.
E. Transportation Services
Chair – Regional Councillor Spatafora
Vice-Chair – Regional Councillor Jones
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
E.1 Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
E.1.1 York Region Transit Expansion of 55 Orlando Avenue - Town of Richmond Hill
Paul Jankowski, Commissioner of Transportation Services dated August 10, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
E.1.2 Municipal Road Transfer - Elgin Mills Road Transfer and Donald Cousens Parkway Extension Transportation Planning Study
Kimberley Kitteringham, City Clerk, City of Markham dated June 1, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff
E.1.3 York Region Transit Routes 52 and 58
Fernando Lamanna, Municipal Clerk, Town of East Gwillimbury dated June 6, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff
E.1.4 York University - Transit Service Changes
Paul Jankowski, Commissioner of Transportation Services dated September 4, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
E.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
E.2.1 Agreement with Canadian National Railway for Rail Grade Separation on Keele Street North of Steeles Avenue - City of Vaughan
E.2.2 King-Vaughan Road Assumption and Bylaw Update
E.2.3 York Region and York Regional Police Joint Services Agreement Amendment
E.2.4 Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for 16th Avenue Improvements at Highway 404 - Town of Richmond Hill and City of Markham
F. Environmental Services
Chair – Regional Councillor Ferri
Vice-Chair – Mayor Quirk
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
F.1 Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
F.1.1 2017 Annual Solid Waste Diversion Report [3.7 MB]
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services dated August 21, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
F.1.2 Moving Canada Towards Zero Plastic Waste: Federal Government Plastic Waste Consultation
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services dated August 9, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
F.2 Report
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
F.2.1 Annual Update on Invasive Species [3.9 MB]
G. Community and Health Services
Chair – Regional Councillor Taylor
Vice-Chair – Regional Councillor Rosati
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
G.1 Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
G.1.1 Opening Doors Together - Social Services First Activity Update 2017
Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated August 9, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
G.1.2 2017 Long Term Care Performance Report
Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated August 9, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
G.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
G.2.1 Public Health Programs 2017 Year End Settlement Reports [2.2 MB]
G.2.2 Discontinuation of the Expanding Paramedicine in the Community Program
G.2.3 Registration of Securities for Investment in Affordable Housing Program
G.2.4 Update on the Markham Inter-Church Committee for Affordable Housing Development in the City of Markham
G.2.5 Report No. 2 - Accessibility Advisory Committee
H. Planning and Economic Develoment
Chair - Regional Councillor Li
Vice-Chair - Mayor Dawe
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
H.1 Communications
[Click on the title of the following Communication to view it]
H.1.1 Green Lane Secondary Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan
Jack Wong, Malone Given Parsons LLP dated September 4, 2018
Recommend: Receive and refer to Item H.2.1
H.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
H.2.1 Green Lane Secondary Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan [4.5 MB]
H.2.2 Mid-Year Development Activity Summary 2018 [4 MB]
H.2.3 Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks - Transfer of Review Program Agreements for Administration and Delegation of Responsibility
H.2.4 Report No. 3 - Planning Advisory Committee
H.2.5 Report No. 4 - Planning Advisory Committee
I. Finance and Administration
Chair - Mayor Barrow
Vice-Chair - Mayor Pellegrini
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
I.1 Communications
I.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
I.2.1 Provincial Changes with Potential Budget Implications
I.2.2 2018 Operating and Capital Budget Mid-Year Progress Report
I.2.3 2018 Development Charge Bylaw Amendment: Timelines, Communications and Procedures
I.2.4 Appointment of External Auditor and Award of External Audit Services Contract
I.2.5 Contract Awards Including Renewals, Approvals and Emergency Purchases - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018
I.2.6 Indemnification Bylaw
I.2.7 Acquisition of Land - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Newmarket [2.2 MB]
I.2.8 Compensation for Expropriation - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Aurora and Town of Newmarket
I.2.9 Compensation for Expropriation - Rutherford Road from Westburne Drive to Peter Rupert Avenue - City of Vaughan
I.2.10 Compensation for Expropriation - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project
I.2.11 Expropriation of Land - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project
I.2.12 Expropriation of Land - 53 Jacob Keffer Parkway - City of Vaughan
I.2.13 Expropriation Settlement - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor - 54 Davis Drive - Town of Newmarket
I.2.14 Telecommunications Installations on Regional Property Policy Update
J. Notice of Motion
K. Other Business
L. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
L.1 2018 Development Charge Payment of Potential Complaints - Potential Litigation
L.2 Status of the 2017 Development Charge Bylaw Appeals - Solicitor- Client Privilege
L.3 22 Prospect Street - Town of Newmarket - Acquisition or Disposition of Land and Potential Litigation
L.4 Update on Regional Household Hazardous Waste Depot and Transportation District Facility Sites - City of Markham - Acquisition or Disposition of Land
L.5 Attachment to Item I.2.7 - Acquisition of Land - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Newmarket - Acquisition of Land
L.6 Attachment to Item I.2.8 - Compensation for Expropriation - York Durham Sewage System Modifications - Town of Aurora and Town of Newmarket - Acquisition of Land
L.7 Attachment to Item I.2.9 - Compensation for Expropriation - Rutherford Road from Westburne Drive to Peter Rupert Avenue - City of Vaughan - Acquisition of Land
L.8 Attachment to Item I.2.10 - Compensation for Expropriation - West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project - Acquisition of Land
L.9 Attachment to Item I.2.13 - Expropriation Settlement - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor - 54 Davis Drive - Town of Newmarket - Acquisition of Land
M. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session