The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
Minutes of the
Meeting Held on June 28, 2018
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Regional Council met at 9:35 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Emmerson presiding.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, D. Barrow, G. Dawe, V. Hackson, S. Pellegrini,
M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, T. Van Bynen
Regional Councillors:
N. Armstrong, N. Davison, M. Ferri, J. Heath, B. Hogg,
J. Jones, J. Li, G. Rosati, S. Singh, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor
D. Basso, K. Chislett, P. Freeman, J. Hulton, P. Jankowski, K. Kurji, B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney, L. Mirabella, M.F. Turner
Opening Remarks from Regional Chairman
96 Regional Chair Emmerson made the following remarks:
“I would like to begin today’s meeting by acknowledging that York Region extends over lands originally used and occupied by Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of York Region, I would like to thank First Nations and the Métis for sharing this land.
I would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our closest First Nation community.”
[Click on the title of the following Minutes to view them]
97 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on May 17, 2018
It was moved by Regional Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on May 17, 2018 in the form supplied to the Members.
[Click on the titles of the following Presentations to view them]
98 Inclusion Charter for York Region
Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer, presented the Inclusion Charter for York Region, a community initiative with a common commitment to creating inclusive communities in York Region.
The Inclusion Charter for York Region was developed in collaboration with the Municipal Diversity and Inclusion Group and the Community Partnership Council. Over 1,800 residents and organizations were consulted throughout its development.
A ceremonial signing of the Inclusion Charter took place, with Council recessing for 5 minutes to take a group photo.
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council receive the presentation.
(See Minute Nos. 102 and 109.)
99 York Region Rapid Transit Corporation - 2017 Annual Report
Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation presented the York Region Rapid Transit Corporation’s 2017 Annual Report.
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council receive the presentation.
(See Minute No. 101.)
[Click on the title of the following Deputation to view it]
100 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority's Annual Operating Plan
Michael Walters, Chief Administrative Officer, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority presented a deputation to Council regarding the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority's 2018 Annual Operating Plan.
It was moved by Mayor Dawe, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council receive the deputation.
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
101 York Region Rapid Transit Corporation - 2017 Annual Report
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council receive the communication from Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation dated June 28, 2018.
[Attachment can be viewed on vivaNext website]
(See Minute No. 99.)
102 Inclusion Charter for York Region
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council receive the communication from Serena Newhall, CIFAL Atlanta Executive Director dated May 21, 2018 and refer it to Report No. 1 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services regarding “Inclusion Charter for York Region”.
103 Integrated Bilateral Agreement – Public Transit Stream Funding (Formerly PTIF 2) Report: Amendment to Recommendations
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council receive the memorandum from Bill Hughes, Commissioner of Finance dated June 14, 2018 and refer it to Clause 4 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 10.
(See Minute No. 107.)
104 The Regional Municipality of York receives 20 International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Awards and two Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards
It was moved by Regional Councillor Davison, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council receive the memorandum from Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services dated June 28, 2018.
105 Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis - 9225-9235-9245-9255 Jane Street, City of Vaughan
It was moved by Regional Councillor Ferri, seconded by Regional Councillor Rosati that Council receive and refer to staff the communication from Todd Coles, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated March 27, 2018.
Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
106 Report No. 2 of the Audit Committee – June 6, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Mayor Dawe that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 2 of the Audit Committee.
107 Report No. 10 of Committee of the Whole – June 6, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 10 of Committee of the Whole with the following amendment as noted:
Integrated Bilateral Agreement - Public Transit Stream Funding (Formerly PTIF-2) (Clause 4)
That the recommendations be amended as described in the memorandum from Bill Hughes, Commissioner of Finance dated June 14, 2018 (see Minute No. 103).
(See Minute No. 103.)
108 Report No. 11 of Committee of the Whole – June 21, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 11 of Committee of the Whole.
109 Report No. 1 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services – Inclusion Charter for York Region
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council adopt the following recommendations in the report dated June 12, 2018 from the Commissioner of Community and Health Services:
1. Council endorse the Inclusion Charter for York Region (Attachment 1).
2. The Regional Clerk forward this report to York Region Rapid Transit Corporation, Housing York Inc. and York Telecom Network requesting their Boards to endorse the Inclusion Charter for York Region (Attachment 1).
3. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the local municipalities, York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee, York Regional Police Services Board, Community Partnership Council and the Municipal Diversity and Inclusion Group.
A recorded vote on the adoption of the recommendations was as follows:
For: Altmann, Armstrong, Barrow, Davison, Dawe, Emmerson, Ferri, Hackson, Heath, Hogg, Jones, Li, Pellegrini, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Singh, Spatafora, Taylor, Van Bynen (20)
Against: (0) Carried Unanimously
Introduction and Approval of Bylaws
110 Bylaws
[Click on the titles of the following Bylaws to view them]
It was moved by Mayor Dawe, seconded by Regional Councillor Hogg that Council approve and enact the following bylaws in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda.
Bylaw No. 2018-49 - Community Safety Zones
To amend Bylaw No. R-1195-1999-077, being a bylaw to designate parts of Regional Roads as Community Safety Zones
Bylaw No. 2018-50 - Delegation Bylaw
To delegate authority
Bylaw No. 2018-51 - Delegation during Recess of Regional Council
To delegate certain powers and duties during a recess of Regional Council
Bylaw No. 2018-52 - Bylaw to Assume a Part of Weston Road (YR 56)
To add certain lands to the Regional Road System in the City of Vaughan
Bylaw No. 2018-53 - Bylaw to Assume McCowan Road (YR 67) between Davis Drive and Ravenshoe Road
A bylaw to amend Bylaw R-1107-96-126 being a bylaw to set out all the roads in the Regional Road System
Bylaw No. 2018-54 - Debenture - Town of Newmarket
To authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $26,000,000.00 towards the cost of a certain capital work of The Corporation of the Town of Newmarket set out in Schedule “A” to this Bylaw
Bylaw No. 2018-55 - Debenture - Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
To authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $2,820,000.00 towards the cost of a certain capital work of The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville set out in Schedule “A” to this Bylaw
Bylaw No. 2018-56 - York Durham Sewage Solutions Modifications, Newmarket
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the York Durham Sewage System Modifications component of the Upper York Sewage Solutions Project, Town of Newmarket
Other Business
111 Laura Mirabella, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer
On behalf of Council, Regional Chair Emmerson formally welcomed Laura Mirabella to York Region as the new Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer.
112 Appointment to the Agricultural Advisory Committee
Regional Chair Emmerson announced that Chris Burkholder has been appointed to the Agricultural Advisory Committee.
113 Appointment to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that Regional Councillor Naomi Davison was acclaimed as a member of the Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) Board of Directors, Regional and Single Tier Caucus for the 2018-2020 term.
114 Town of Georgina Canada Day Celebration
Mayor Quirk announced that on July 1, 2018 the Town of Georgina will be hosting a celebration to honour Canada Day as well as the Town of Georgina’s 200th Anniversary.
Consideration and Adoption of Private Items
115 Private Session
It was moved by Mayor Pellegrini, seconded by Regional Councillor Hogg that Council convene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. Appointment of Associate Medical Officer of Health - Personal Matter about an Identifiable Individual
2. Private Attachment to Clause 12 of Committee Report No. 10 – Software Licences, Maintenance and Contract Renewals - Security of Property
3. Private Attachment to Clause 11 of Committee Report No. 11 - Professional Services for Risk Management Software System Support - Security of Property
Council met in Private Session at 10:58 a.m. and reconvened in public at 11:01 a.m.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council rise and report from Private Session.
116 Appointment of Associate Medical Officer of Health
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council adopt the recommendations in the private report of the Medical Officer of Health and Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated June 14, 2018 as follows:
1. Council appoint Dr. Fareen Karachiwalla to the position of Associate Medical Officer of Health for The Regional Municipality of York effective September 4, 2018, subject to approval by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care.
2. Regional staff be authorized to do all things necessary to carry out the above recommendation, including sending a copy of this private report to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council approve and enact Bylaw No. 2018-58 for the appointment of an Associate Medical Officer of Health.
117 Private Attachment to Clause 12 of Committee Report No. 10 - Software Licences, Maintenance and Contract Renewals
It was moved by Regional Councillor Jones, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council receive the private attachment.
118 Private Attachment to Clause 11 of Committee Report No. 11 - Professional Services for Risk Management Software System Support
It was moved by Regional Councillor Jones, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council receive the private attachment.
119 Private Session
It was moved by Mayor Dawe, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council reconvene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. Development Charge Prepayments – Solicitor-Client
Council met in Private Session at 11:02 a.m. and reconvened in public at 11:21 a.m.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Li, seconded by Regional Councillor Singh that Council rise and report from Private Session.
120 Development Charge Prepayments
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council receive the private verbal update.
Confirmatory Bylaw
[Click on the number of the following Bylaw to view it]
121 Bylaw 2018-57
It was moved by Regional Councillor Li, seconded by Mayor Scarpitti that Council enact Bylaw No. 2018-57 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on June 28, 2018.
The Council meeting adjourned at 11:24 a.m.
Regional Clerk
Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on September 20, 2018.
Regional Chair