The Council of
The Regional Municipality of York
Revised Agenda
March 23, 2017
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, @email, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Disclosures of Interest
B. Minutes of Council
B.1 Council Meeting held on February 16, 2017
C. Presentation
C.1 Revised Draft 2017 Development Charge Background Study and Bylaw
Paul Jankowski, Commissioner of Transportation Services
(Please refer to Item F.3)
D. Deputation
(Subject to Council granting deputant status.)
[Click on the title of the following Deputation to view it]
D.1 Revised Draft 2017 Development Charge Background Study and Bylaw
Maria Gatzios, Gatzios Planning and Development Consultants Inc., dated March 22, 2017, on behalf of Sixteenth Land Holdings Inc.
E. Communication
[Click on the title of the following Communication to view it]
E.1 Additional Allocation of Investment in Affordable Housing - Social Infrastructure Funds for Woodbridge Redevelopment
Adelina Urbanski Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated March 23, 2017
F. Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
F.1 Report No. 4 of the Committee of the Whole - March 2, 2017
F.2 Report No. 5 of the Committee of the Whole - March 9, 2017
F.3 Report No. 1 of the Commissioner of Finance [6.7 MB]
Revised Draft 2017 Development Charge Background Study and Bylaw
F.4 Report No. 2 of the Commissioner of Finance
2016 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Members of Council and Local Board Appointees
G. Introduction and Consideration of Bylaws
G.1 Bylaw No. 2017-9
A bylaw to establish charges for the uniform water service rate
G.2 Bylaw No. 2017-10
A bylaw to establish charges for the uniform wastewater service rate
G.3 Bylaw No. 2017-11
A bylaw to establish public highways (Bathurst Street, Gamble Road)
H. Motions
I. Notice of Motion
J. Other Business
K. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
K.1 Disposition of Matters Under the Purchasing Bylaw 2016 Annual Report - Litigation
K.2 Regional Solicitor's Use of Delegated Settlement Authority 2016 Annual Report - Litigation
K.3 Memorandum - Provincial Consultation on Expanding MedicalResponse through Fire Services - Solicitor-Client Privilege
L. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session
M. Confirmatory Bylaw
Introduction of Bylaw No. 2017-12 to confirm the proceedings of Council at this meeting
N. Adjournment