Regional Clerk's Office
Corporate Services Department
Revised Agenda
Committee of the Whole
December 1, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Disclosures of Interest
B. Deputations
(Subject to the Committee granting deputant status.)
C. Appointment to Regional Council
[Click on the title of the following Communication to view it]
C.1 Appointment of Naomi Davison as Regional Councillor
John Espinosa, Town Clerk, Town of Georgina dated November 23, 2016
D. Presentations - Conservation Authorities
D.1 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Budget
Mike Walters, Chief Administrative Officer
D.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Brian Denney, Chief Administrative Officer
E. York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
E.1 Presentation - 2017-2018 - York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
[see E.2 below]
[Click on the title of the following Report to view it]
E.2 2017-2018 Budget - York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
F. Transportation Services
F.1 Presentation - 2017-2018 Budget - Transportation Services
Paul Jankowski, Commissioner, Transportation Services
[see F.2 below]
[Click on the title of the following Report to view it]
F.2 2017-2018 Budget - Transportation Services
G. Environmental Services
G.1 Presentation - 2017-2018 Budget - Environmental Services
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner, Environmental Services
[see G.2 below]
[Click on the title of the following Report to view it]
G.2 2017-2018 Budget - Environmental Services
H. Transportation Services
[Click on the title of the following Report to view it]
H.1 Rail Safety Improvement Program Transport Canada Funding
I. Environmental Services
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
I.1 Durham York Energy Centre Update
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner, Environmental Services dated November 23, 2016
Recommendation: Receive
I.2 Response to Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Posting No. 012-8760: Proposal for Reducing Phosphorous to Minimize Algal Blooms in Lake Erie
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner, Environmental Services dated November 29, 2016
Recommendation: Receive
J. Adjournment