Clause No. 12 in Report No. 1 of Committee of the Whole was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York at its meeting held on January 23, 2014.
Committee of the Whole recommends receipt of Report No. 3 of the Human Services Planning Board, dated December 10, 2013.
Regional Councillor J. Taylor, S. LaRosa
Members Present:
I. Araya, K. Baker, C. Bisanz, D. Bonk Greenwood, P. Cousins, T. DiSimone (represented by M. May), E. Jolliffe, M. McMaster, S. McMillan, A. Urbanski, S. Pivko, R. Shields, K. Thurston (represented by C. Roach), D. Zanotti
Staff Present:
C. Gareau, L. Gonsalves, J. Hastings, P. Marohnic, C. Martin, L. Nigra, J. Rurak
The Human Services Planning Board began its meeting at 2:40 p.m. on December 10, 2013.
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Human Services Planning Board – York Region advises Committee of the Whole of the following matters having been considered by the Human Services Planning Board with the following action:
1. Bill Fisch, Regional Chairman and CEO, dated October 3, 2013 regarding ‘York Region's Submission for Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy’ Received.
2. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, dated November 22, 2013 regarding ‘Collaborative Advocacy: Creating the Conditions to Increase the Supply of Private Market Rental Housing Options’ Received.
3. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, dated November 22, 2013 regarding ‘York Region Immigration Settlement Strategy: Mid-Term Report September 2011 to June 2013’ Received.
4. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, dated November 22, 2013 regarding ‘Social Assistance Training and Employment Placement 2013-2014 Initiatives’ Received.
5. Brenda Hogg, Regional Councillor, dated November 25, 2013 regarding ‘Development of a New Long-Term Federal Plan to Fix Canada's Housing Crunch’ Received.
6. Lisa Gonsalves, Director, Strategies and Partnerships Branch, dated December 10, 2013 regarding ‘Human Services Planning Board of York Region Staff Update’ Received.
7. Make Rental Happen Post-Secondary Challenge
Board members are requested to seek sponsorship by their organizations for the ‘Make Rental Happen Post-Secondary Challenge’ that solicits students to submit big, bold and innovative ideas for the development of private market rental housing options in York Region.
8. National Housing Day - Social Media Campaign
Board members received an update on the social media campaign to raise awareness about the need for affordable housing options in York Region. The Campaign was launched on October 21, 2013 until National Housing Day on November 22, 2013.
Highlights of the campaign include:
• Launch of the Human Services Planning Board’s new ‘Make Rental Happen’ webpage at
• 22 ‘Make Rental Happen’ YouTube videos were created by celebrities, politicians, community leaders and residents who discussed the importance and need for rental housing
• Successful Twitter (hashtag #MakeRentalHappen), Facebook and Linkedin campaigns were launched
• Movie theatre ‘Make Rental Happen’ advertisements were used to reach the local audience
A social media campaign will continue to be used to advance the conversation, initiate discussion and provide updates on the need to Make Rental Happen.
9. Progress Update: Making Ends Meet in York Region
Member Organization Action Plan
Board members were provided with progress updates on activities submitted to the Making Ends Meet Action Plan by the following two member organizations:
a) Vaughan Community Health Centre
b) Seneca College
Vaughan Community Health Centre
A progress update was provided on the Vaughan Community Health Centre’s Financial Literacy Training programs. The programs are targeted to youth, seniors and individuals with both mental health and addiction issues. The training focuses on money management, banking, investing basics, budgeting, saving, frauds and consumer rights.
Seneca College
A progress update was provided on Seneca’s College’s Student Retention Pilot Program. The program focuses on early identification of students at risk academically and connects them to a “success network” by facilitating appointments with key resources (financial aid and academic advisors, peer tutors, counsellors, etc.).
The program supports low and moderate income students with access to programs to help maximize their earning potential.
The Board received the progress updates.
10. Make Rental Happen Campaign and Collaborative Advocacy Plan
The Board requested that member organizations incorporate the Make Rental Happen Campaign and the Collaborative Advocacy Plan in their upcoming Board meetings and Annual General Meeting.
The Human Services Planning Board adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
December 10, 2013 J. Taylor
Newmarket, Ontario Co-Chair
Carrie Martin
Tel. (905) 830-4444 x 71303