Clause No. 11 in Report No. 1 of Committee of the Whole was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York at its meeting held on January 23, 2014.
Committee of the Whole recommends receipt of Report No. 5 of the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee dated November 20, 2013.
V. Spatafora
Members Present:
L. Bolt, C. Gorlewski, D. Hardaker, L. Hulme-Smith, L. Jones, B. Lynch, F. Maggisano
Staff Present:
K. Adeney, M. Adlam, S. Ayres, P. Casey, C. Clark, L. Davies, S. Doyle, T. Grover, J. Hastings, M. Herder, R. Houghton, J. Hulton, I. McNeil, C. McSorley, J. Mitchell, L. Nigra, C. Raynor, A. Saintiche, A. Sheikh, P. Thiru, A. Urbanski, V. Yurchenko
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee began its meeting at 4:02 p.m. on November 20, 2013.
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee advises Committee of the Whole of the following matters having been considered by the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee with the following action:
1. Eve Wyatt, Executive Technical Advisor, Policy, Planning and Innovation, Metrolinx regarding ‘Metrolinx Accessibility Program Overview’ Received
2. VladYurchenko, Corporate Security and Life Safety Administrator, Property Services, Corporate Services Department regarding ‘Overview of York Region Fire and Life Safety Programs’ Received
3. Ahmad Sheikh, Manager, Information and Corporate Programs, Information Technology Services, Finance Department regarding ‘Demonstration of’ Received
4. Fernando Lamanna, Deputy Clerk, Legal and Council Support Services, Town of East Gwillimbury, dated September 13, 2013 regarding ‘Metrolinx (Go Train Station) Accessibility’ Received
5. ‘York Region’s 2013-2021 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan’ [5.3MB] Report, dated May 30, 2013 and adopted by Regional Council on June 27, 2013 Received
6. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, dated October 1, 2013 regarding ‘Transit Fare Subsidy Pilot Program - Evaluation Findings and Policy Recommendations’ Received
7. Regional Councillor Vito Spatafora, Chair, York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee, dated October 18, 2013 regarding ‘Accessibility (Compliance) Report on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA)’ Received
8. Ian Buchanan, Manager of Natural Heritage and Forestry, dated October 30, 2013 regarding ‘Accessibility Design Guidelines for York Regional Forest Trails’ [2.7MB] Received
9. Lois Davies, Program Manager, Accessibility Unit, Strategies and Partnerships Branch, Community and Health Services regarding ‘Update on AODA Training: Creating an Accessible York Region’ Received
10. Jason Hastings, Manager, Human Services Strategies and Partnerships Unit, Strategies and Partnerships Branch, Community and Health Services regarding ‘Report Back on Assistant Deputy Minister’s Visit and Update on Accessibility Activities’ Received
11. York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule for 2014 Received
12. Committee was advised of an event hosted by Abilities Outreach Toronto, in celebration of the international day of people with disabilities. The 1st annual ‘Abilities Appreciation Dinner & Awards’ will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 7601 Sheppard Avenue East from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. Admission is free, by reservation only. The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee has been nominated for an award at this event.
13. Committee suggested that the Chair of the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee forward a letter to the federal government requesting improvements to the accessibility of its websites. The committee suggested the letter be copied to York Region MPs, local accessibility advisory committees and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
14. The next meeting of the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee is scheduled for February 19, 2014.
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourned at 5:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
November 20, 2013 V. Spatafora
Newmarket, Ontario Chair
Carol Clark
Tel. (905) 830-4444 x 71305