For Consideration by the
Committee of the Whole of
The Regional Municipality of York
on November 7, 2013
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Co-Chairs: Regional Councillor J. Taylor
S. LaRosa
Members Present: P. Curtis (represented by L. Wallace)
C. Bisanz
P. Cousins
T. DiSimone (represented by M. May)
K. Eastwood
B. Hogarth
P. Horgan
E. Jolliffe
P. Preston (represented by M. Battista)
S. McMillan
S. Pivko
R. Shields
R. Sumar
D. Zanotti
Staff Present: P. Bottomley, M. Durante, L. Gonsalves, J. Hastings, K. Hobbs, P. Marohnic, C. Martin, B. Moss, S. Patterson, J. Rurak
The Human Services Planning Board began its meeting at 9:36 a.m. on October 29, 2013.
The Human Services Planning Board – York Region advises Committee of the Whole of the following matters having been considered by the Human Services Planning Board with the following action:
1. Isabel Leung, Council Coordinator, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, dated June 25, 2013 regarding ‘York Region Community and Health Services Delegation on the Fair Access Project’ Received.
2. Margaret Eaton, Executive Director, Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC), dated September 30, 2013 regarding ‘Resignation from the Human Services Planning Board of York Region’ Received.
3. Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, dated October 3, 2013 regarding ‘Transit Fare Subsidy Pilot Program – Evaluation Findings and Policy Recommendations’ Received.
4. Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner, Community and Health Services, dated October 3, 2013 regarding ‘National Housing Day November 22, 2013’ Received.
5. Lisa Gonsalves, Director, Strategies and Partnerships Branch, dated October 23, 2013 regarding ‘Human Services Planning Board of York Region Staff Update’ Received.
6. Board members are asked to send staff from their organization to a two day Results Based Accountability (RBA) Training Workshop for Trainers and Coaches to be led by Mark Friedman on November 6 & 7, 2013. Received.
7. National Housing Day is November 22, 2013 and Board members are asked to participate in a social media and internet campaign that is underway to raise awareness about the need for affordable housing options in York Region. Received.
8. Board members are requested to seek sponsorship by their organizations for the ‘Make Rental Happen Post-Secondary Challenge’ that solicits students to submit big, bold and innovative ideas for the development of private market rental housing options in York Region. Received.
9. Paul Bottomley, Manager, Growth Management, Economy & Information Research and Kerry Hobbs, Manager, Strategic Planning presented the Board with an update on the York Region 10-Year Housing Plan. Received.
10. Progress Update: Making Ends Meet in York Region
Member Organization Action Plan
Board members were provided with progress updates on activities submitted to the Making Ends Meet Action Plan by the following two member organizations:
a) United Way of York Region
b) Canadian Mental Health Association
United Way of York Region
A progress update was provided on the United Way of York Region’s Meeting House Series. Though the Meeting House Series, the United Way engaged communities across York Region in discussions on local issues including housing affordability, deepening poverty, struggles to make ends meet, and lack of social infrastructure.
The United Way of York Region has made an investment in multi-year funding with the launch of a three-year campaign to raise $30 million. The campaign goal is to improve access to local support so every neighbourhood in York Region can benefit from better social infrastructure.
Canadian Mental Health Association
The Canadian Mental Health Association provided a progress update on the Workforce Development Program and Financial Literacy Training.
The Workforce Development Program provides services to individuals with serious mental illness who are interested in developing a career path. The program includes employment workshops, paid work experience, job coaching and an employment resource centre.
The Financial Literacy Training program provides education to clients and their families on budgeting, financial planning, saving and being a wise customer.
The program helps low and moderate income families gain skills that will help support informed financial decision making and economic self-sufficiency.
The Board received the progress updates.
11. The Board received an update on the following events:
• 2013 Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) Conference held on October 18 - 20, 2013
•‘Building Resilient Communities through Innovation’ event hosted by Kingbridge Conference Centre & Institute on September 24, 2013.
Next meeting of the Human Services Planning Board is scheduled for December 10, 2013 at 3:30 p.m.
The Human Services Planning Board adjourned at 11:21 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
October 29, 2013 J. Taylor
Newmarket, Ontario Co-Chair
Carrie Martin
Tel. (905) 830-4444 x 1303