Regional Committees
Members of York Regional Council serve on committees that review specific matters with a mandate set by Council. Committees receive public input, review policies and consider staff reports, then recommend actions to Council. Visit the events calendar for meeting dates and details.
Committee of the Whole
All members of Council are members of Committee of the Whole. Each month Committee of the Whole meets in advance of Regional Council.
The agendas are divided based on subject matter:
- Community and Health Services
- Finance and Administration
- Planning and Economic Development
- Public Works - Environmental Services
- Public Works - Transportation Services
The Regional Chair appoints a Chair and Vice-Chair of each section:
Community and Health Services
- Chair – Regional Councillor Gino Rosati
- Vice Chair – Mayor Margaret Quirk
Finance and Administration
- Chair – Mayor Steve Pellegrini
- Vice Chair – Mayor Steven Del Duca
Planning and Economic Development
- Chair – Regional Councillor Joe DiPaola
- Vice Chair – Mayor Frank Scarpitti
Public Works - Environmental Services
- Chair – Mayor David West
- Vice Chair – Regional Councillor Joe Li
Public Works - Transportation Services
- Chair – Mayor Tom Mrakas
- Vice Chair – Mayor Iain Lovatt
Standing Committees
Council appoints members for each Committee.
Audit Committee
Regional Councillor Michael Chan (Chair)
Mayor Steven Del Duca (Vice-chair)
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Regional Councillor Godwin Chan
Regional Councillor Naomi Davison
Regional Councillor Alan Ho
Regional Councillor Mario G. Racco
Debenture Committee
Advisory and Ad Hoc Committees
Council appoints members for each Advisory and Ad Hoc Committee. Advisory Committees report to Council through Committee of the Whole. They comprise a mix of Council members and citizen members.
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Regional Councillor Tom Vegh - Chair
Regional Councillor Naomi Davison
Regional Councillor Alan Ho
Citizen members
Agriculture and Agri-Food Advisory Committee
Avia Eek for Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Regional Councillor Naomi Davison
Citizen members
Newcomer Inclusion Table
Mayor Frank Scarpitti – Co-Chair
Mayor Virginia Hackson
Representatives from:
Centre for Immigrant and Community Services (CICS)
Social Enterprise for Canada
Catholic Community Services of York Region (CCSYR)
COSTI Immigrant Services
Cross-Cultural Community Services Association (TCCSA)
Human Endeavour
Association des francophones de la région de York (AFRY)
Job Skills
ACCES Employment
Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)
Workforce Planning Board of York Region
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA)
Vaughan Chamber of Commerce
Seneca College, International Student Services
York University, Bridging Program for IEPs
York Regional District School Board (YRDSB)
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir
Carefirst Seniors & Community Services Association
Vaughan Community Health Centre
Family Services of York Region
York Regional Police
York Region Arts Council
The Housing Help Centre
Community Legal Clinic of York Region
Housing Affordability Task Force
Mayor Steven Del Duca
Mayor Virginia Hackson
Mayor Iain Lovatt
Mayor Tom Mrakas
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Mayor Margaret Quirk
Mayor Frank Scarpitti
Mayor John Taylor
Mayor David West
Human Services Planning Board
Regional Councillor Godwin Chan – Co-Chair
Mayor John Taylor
Regional Councillor Naomi Davison
Regional Councillor Joe Li
Representatives from:
York University
York Regional District School Board
York Catholic District School Board
Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region & South Simcoe
Southlake Regional Health Centre
Eastern York Region North Durham Ontario Health Team
York Regional Police
York Regional Police Services Board
United Way Greater Toronto
Blue Door
York Region Children’s Aid Society
CHATS-Community & Home Assistance to Seniors
Workforce Planning Board of York Region
Newmarket Chamber of Commerce
WCG Canada
YMCA of Greater Toronto
John Howard Society of York Region
Community Living Central York
Hill House Hospice
Regional Boards
The Regional Municipality of York is the sole shareholder of three wholly-owned subsidiaries and share capital corporations: Housing York Inc., York Region Rapid Transit Corporation and York Net. As sole shareholder, Council appoints the Board of Directors for each corporation.
Housing York Inc.
Mayor John Taylor – Chair
Mayor Iain Lovatt – Vice Chair
Mayor Virginia Hackson
Mayor Tom Mrakas
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Mayor Margaret Quirk
Regional Councillor Godwin Chan
Regional Councillor Naomi Davison
Regional Councillor Alan Ho
Regional Councillor Gino Rosati
Regional Councillor Tom Vegh
York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
Mayor Frank Scarpitti – Chair
Mayor Steven Del Duca – Vice Chair
Mayor Steven Del Duca
Mayor Iain Lovatt
Mayor Tom Mrakas
Mayor David West
Regional Councillor Godwin Chan
Regional Councillor Joe DiPaola
Regional Councillor Mario Ferri
Regional Councillor Jim Jones
Regional Councillor Tom Vegh
YTN Telecom Network Inc. - YorkNet
Mayor Margaret Quirk – Chair
Mayor Steve Pellegrini – Vice Chair
Mayor Iain Lovatt
Mayor Frank Scarpitti
Regional Councillor Michael Chan
Regional Councillor Joe DiPaola
Regional Councillor Mario G. Racco
Regional Councillor Tom Vegh
External Boards and Committees
Members of York Regional Council also serve on a variety of external Boards of Directors and Committees either by mandate or at the request of the organization.
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
Mayor Tom Mrakas (nomination)
Canadian National Exhibition
Regional Councillor Tom Vegh
Cedar Centre
Mayor Virginia Hackson
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance
Avia Eek on behalf of Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Mayor Virginia Hackson
Mayor Iain Lovatt
Councillor Michael Thomson on behalf of Mayor Tom Mrakas
Councillor Avia Eek on behalf of Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Mayor Margaret Quirk
Regional Councillor Tom Vegh
Police Services Board
Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Vice Chair
Mario Cortellucci, Provincial Appointee
Regional Councillor Linda Jackson
Norma McCullough, Regional Appointee (citizen member)
Walter Perchal, Provincial Appointee
Madeleine Bodenstein, Provincial Appointee
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Board of Governors
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Councillor Hugo Kroon for Mayor Iain Lovatt
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Mayor David West
Regional Councillor Linda Jackson
Regional Councillor Joe Li
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Partners in Project Green Executive Management Steering Committee
Mayor David West
The deadline for submission is 12 noon, one (1) business day prior to the requested meeting date. Please note that information provided, other than personal contact information, will appear on a public agenda.
Submit a Letter to a Committee
If you wish to submit a letter to a Committee on a topic listed on an agenda, you may send your letter to the Regional Clerk.
Letters must deal with municipal issues that are within the Committee’s jurisdiction.
Request to Speak to a Committee
If you wish to speak to a Committee on a topic listed on an agenda, you must make a deputation request to the Regional Clerk.
Deputations must deal with municipal issues that are within the Committee’s jurisdiction.