Energy Reporting
York Region is committed to creating sustainable communities through energy conservation and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
Strategies and Plans
The Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan identifies initiatives and opportunities for Regional corporate service delivery to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Steps taken to date include:
- Energy-efficient buildings that exceed the requirements of the Ontario Building Code, and in the case of the Forest Stewardship and Education Centre, generate more energy than it consumes
- Solar photovoltaic arrays that generate enough energy each year to power 45 average-sized homes with clean, zero-emissions electricity
- Integration of hybrid vehicle technologies into corporate fleets that cut equivalent vehicle emissions in half
- Pilot of six-battery electric buses on two Regional transit routes, reducing air pollution by 98% and noise pollution almost completely as compared to diesel buses
Reporting and Data
The Region reports annually to Council, the provincial government, and the public, its progress toward meeting its corporate emissions targets.
- 2022 Corporate Energy Report: 2022 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Regional Services
- Please reference the Open Data portal for the O. Reg. 25/23: Broader Public Sector: Energy reporting and conservation and demand management plans
Energy Reporting Dashboard
Energy use in the dashboard is displayed in the following units: electricity (kWh), natural gas (m3), propane (L), and greenhouse gases (kg CO2 equivalent).
Note: Reporting is completed only on facilities required under the Province of Ontario Regulation 25/23. Increases seen in the total energy and GHG emissions view (the default view) can be attributed to the fact that new buildings are being added every year.
Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request.
Related Resources
- How York Region is Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Municipal World Magazine
- York Region Sustainability Strategy
- The Regional Official Plan
- Vision
- Accessibility
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- Fees for Service
- Finances
- Local Municipalities
- Municipal Election
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Plans, Reports and Strategies
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Archaeological Management Plan
- Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
- Climate Change Action Plan
- Community and Annual Reports
- Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
- Corporate Asset Management
- Strategic Plan
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Employment and Industry Report
- Energy Reporting
- Greening Strategy
- Growth and Development Review
- Healthy Built Environment
- Housing Solutions: A place for everyone
- Integrated Waste Management Master Plan
- Long Term Water Conservation Strategy
- Plan to Support Seniors
- Transportation Master Plan
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan
- York Region Paramedic Services Master Plan
- Sustainable Mobility Plan
- Privacy and Disclaimer
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Regional Property Taxes
- Regional Services
- Report a Problem
- Resources
- Senior Management
- Statistics and Data
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Vision