Asset Management

York Region provides services to residents and businesses using assets including roads, buses, watermains, sewers, buildings and living assets like street trees. As the Region continues to grow, we need to ensure we can continue to meet customer expectations about service levels by maintaining existing assets in a good state of repair and ensuring sufficient resources for future assets. This is achieved through effective asset management, striking the right balance between service level, cost and risk. Over time, the goal is to provide the expected service levels at the lowest cost while keeping risk within acceptable limits.
Corporate Asset Management Plan
The 2024 Corporate Asset Management Plan explains how York Region will continue to provide services in a safe, reliable and cost-effective manner, today and into the future, by caring properly for the assets that deliver them.
Corporate State of Infrastructure Report
The Corporate State of Infrastructure Report summarizes the state of Regional infrastructure assets essential in providing vital community services like wastewater, roads, water and transit. Understanding and tracking condition and value of Regional assets ensures continued performance and achievement of service level expectations.