December 11, 2014
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Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Inaugural Meeting of Regional Council for the term of office December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2018 was convened at 7:09 p.m. on December 11, 2014 in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, Ontario.
Regional Chair Fisch and the Members of Regional Council were piped into the Council Chambers by Detective Peter Fleming of the York Regional Police.
The following Members of Council were in attendance:
Mayor Altmann (Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville)
Mayor Barrow (Town of Richmond Hill)
Mayor Bevilacqua (City of Vaughan)
Mayor Dawe (Town of Aurora)
Mayor Hackson (Town of East Gwillimbury)
Mayor Pellegrini (Township of King)
Mayor Quirk (Town of Georgina)
Mayor Scarpitti (City of Markham)
Mayor Van Bynen (Town of Newmarket)
Regional Councillor Armstrong (City of Markham)
Regional Councillor Di Biase (City of Vaughan)
Regional Councillor Ferri (City of Vaughan)
Regional Councillor Heath (City of Markham)
Regional Councillor Hogg (Town of Richmond Hill)
Regional Councillor Jones (City of Markham)
Regional Councillor Li (City of Markham)
Regional Councillor Rosati (City of Vaughan)
Regional Councillor Spatafora (Town of Richmond Hill)
Regional Councillor Taylor (Town of Newmarket)
Regional Councillor Wheeler (Town of Georgina)
1 National Anthem
Brittany Miranda led the singing of the National Anthem.
2 Presiding Officer
Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, advised that in accordance with the Region’s Procedure By-law and the Municipal Act, 2001 he would act as Presiding Officer until Council appointed the Regional Chair. He extended congratulations to Members of Council on their recent election and welcomed all the assembled guests to this Inaugural Meeting.
3 Introduction of Chair and Special Guests
The Regional Clerk introduced Regional Chair Bill Fisch, the longest standing Regional Chair in York Region’s history ─ originally being appointed on December 11, 1997, acclaimed at all four Inaugural Council meetings since 1997 and having served for 17 consecutive years.
The Regional Clerk also introduced two special guests assisting with the Inaugural Meeting – The Honourable Michelle Fuerst, Regional Senior Judge for the Central East Region of the Superior Court of Justice and Reverend Canon Gregory Symmes, St. Timothy’s Anglican Church and Chaplain of the York Regional Police.
4 Statutory Requirements
The Regional Clerk advised that the various statutory prerequisites leading up to the Inaugural Meeting had been complied with. These included the filing of Certificates of Election by each of the Clerks of the nine local municipalities, and each Member taking his or her Declaration of Office. He then called the meeting to order.
5 Prayer of Invocation
Reverend Canon Gregory Symmes led everyone in a Prayer of Invocation.
6 Introduction of Members of Council
The Regional Clerk introduced each Member of Council and indicated their length of service on Regional Council.
7 Members’ Declarations of Office
The Honourable Madam Justice Michelle Fuerst then led the elected Members of Council as they repeated their Declarations of Office together.
8 Process for Appointment of Regional Chair
The Regional Clerk advised that it was in order to proceed with the appointment of the Regional Chair. He indicated that under the Municipal Act, 2001 Regional Council was to appoint as Regional Chair for the 2014-2018 term one of the Members of Regional Council, or any other person nominated and seconded by two Members of Council. The Regional Clerk then provided a brief overview of the procedure that would be followed for the appointment of the Regional Chair.
9 Public or Private Vote for Regional Chair
The Regional Clerk asked for a motion for either a public or a private vote for the election of the Regional Chair.
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that all votes for the election of the Regional Chair be public.
10 Nominations
The Regional Clerk declared nominations to be open for the office of Regional Chair. He advised that he had received two completed nomination forms prior to the start of the meeting.
One form indicated that Mayor Barrow wished to nominate Wayne Emmerson for the position of Regional Chair, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler, which they each confirmed. Mr. Emmerson consented to the nomination.
Another form indicated that Mayor Van Bynen wished to nominate Regional Councillor John Taylor for the position of Regional Chair, seconded by Regional Councillor Hogg, which they each confirmed. Regional Councillor Taylor consented to the nomination.
The Regional Clerk asked on three separate occasions if there were any further nominations for the office of Regional Chair. No further nominations were received.
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that nominations for the office of Regional Chair be closed.
11 Addresses to Council
Mayor Barrow and Regional Councillor Wheeler each addressed Council in support of the nomination of Wayne Emmerson. Mr. Emmerson then addressed Council on his own behalf.
Mayor Van Bynen and Regional Councillor Hogg each addressed Council in support of the nomination of Regional Councillor John Taylor. Regional Councillor Taylor then addressed Council on his own behalf.
12 Appointment of Regional Chair
The Regional Clerk called for the vote, with each Member of Council announcing his or her vote openly and individually in favour of one the nominees as follows:
Wayne Emmerson: Altmann, Armstrong, Barrow, Bevilacqua, Dawe, Di Biase, Ferri, Hackson, Jones, Li, Pellegrini, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Spatafora, Wheeler - 16
Regional Councillor Taylor: Heath, Hogg, Taylor, Van Bynen - 4
The Regional Clerk announced the result.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Wayne Emmerson be elected as Chair of the Council of the Regional Municipality of York for the 2014-2018 term of Council.
13 Declaration of Office
The Honourable Madam Justice Michelle Fuerst of the Superior Court of Justice administered the required Declaration of Office to Mr. Wayne Emmerson. Former Regional Chair Fisch then removed the Chain of Office and placed it on Regional Chair Emmerson. Regional Chair Emmerson then assumed the chair.
14 Introductions by Regional Chair
The Regional Chair introduced the dignitaries in attendance, including the following:
Dr. Helena Jaczek, MPP
Eric Jolliffe, Chief, York Regional Police
Tom Carrique, Deputy Chief, York Regional Police
Andre Crawford, Deputy Chief, York Regional Police
Bill Snowball, Acting Regional Fire Coordinator and Fire Chief, City of Markham
Former Members of Regional Council:
Carole Bell
Don Cousens
Al Duffy
Robert Grossi
Tim Jones
John Rogers
Fran Sainsbury
Sue Sherban
Tom Taylor
James Young
15 Regional Chair’s Inaugural Address
In his Inaugural Address to Council, Regional Chair Emmerson indicated how honoured and appreciative he was to have been elected as the sixth Regional Chair in the history of The Regional Municipality of York and acknowledged the 16 returning and four new Regional Council Members.
Regional Chair Emmerson bid farewell to outgoing Regional Chair Bill Fisch, praising his ability to lead Council over the past 17 years.
Regional Chair Emmerson then provided an overview of Council’s achievements over the past four years. Regional Chair Emmerson indicated the substantial growth which has taken place in York Region, necessitating the need for investment in roads, transit, water supply, sewage systems, education, employment, housing and safe communities.
Regional Chair Emmerson specifically acknowledged Regional Councillor Taylor and indicated that he is looking forward to working together.
16 Introductions by Members of Council
Each Member of Council then introduced his or her guests including family members and friends as well as past and current local Members of Council and Chief Administrative Officers and other staff in attendance. Regional Chair Emmerson introduced his family and guests in the audience.
17 Chief Administrative Officer’s Remarks and Introduction of Senior Staff
Mr. Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer, congratulated Regional Chair Emmerson and Members of Regional Council and indicated how honoured he and York Region staff are to be working with them.
He then introduced senior staff and Commissioners in attendance ─ Norm Barrette, Chief and General Manager, Emergency Medical Services; Dr. Karim Kurji, Medical Officer of Health; Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services; Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services; Val Shuttleworth, Chief Planner; Daniel Kostopoulos, Commissioner of Transportation Services; Ann Marie Carroll, General Manager, York Region Transit, Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation; Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services; Joy Hulton, Regional Solicitor; Bill Hughes, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; Pat Casey, Director of Communications and Lina Bigioni, Director of Government Relations and Executive Assistant to the Regional Chairman.
18 Confirmatory Bylaw
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that the following bylaw be enacted to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council.
Bylaw No. 2014-86
To confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on December 11, 2014.
19 Adjournment
The Council meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Denis Kelly
Regional Clerk
Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on the 18th of December 2014.
Wayne Emmerson
Regional Chair