November 13, 2014
Regional Council met at 9:31 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Fisch presiding.
The following were present at this Meeting:
Barrow, Bevilacqua, Dawe, Emmerson, Grossi, Hackson, Pellegrini, Scarpitti and Van Bynen
Regional Councillor:
Di Biase, Heath, Jones, Landon, Li, Rosati, Schulte, Taylor and Wheeler
Basso, Hughes, Hulton, Kostopoulos, Kurji, Macgregor, Mahoney, Shuttleworth, Turner and Urbanski
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
(Report No. 2 of the Commissioner of Finance – Contract Awards Report July 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014)
Mayor Scarpitti declared an interest in Report No. 2 of the Commissioner of Finance – Contract Awards Report July 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014 as it relates to the contract for Tender T-14-58 as his brother is employed at Compugen. Mayor Scarpitti did not take part in the consideration or discussion of or vote on this item.
(See Minute No. 144.)
It was moved by Mayor Pellegrini, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on September 11, 2014 in the form supplied to the Members.
142 It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council adopt the recommendation in the following report:
Report No. 1 of the Chief Administrative Officer
Delegation of Authority During Summer Recess June 27, 2014 - September 10, 2014
143 It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council adopt the recommendations in the following report with the amendment as noted:
Report No. 2 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services
Updating the York Region Home Repair Program
Add a further recommendation as follows:
3. Staff report back in 2016 with an assessment on the adjusted eligibility criteria in the Home Repair program.
144 It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council adopt the recommendation in the following report:
Report No. 2 of the Commissioner of Finance
Contract Awards Report July 1, 2014 - September 30, 2014
(See Minute No. 140.)
145 It was moved by Mayor Emmerson, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council adopt the recommendations in the following report:
Report No. 2 of the Commissioner of Transportation and Community Planning
York Region Transit (YRT/VIVA) Automated Fare Collection Software Maintenance and Support Contract Extension
146 It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase that Council adopt the recommendations in the following report:
Report No. 3 of the Commissioner of Transportation and Community Planning
Consultant Services Fee for Additional Scope Major Mackenzie Drive from CPR Tracks to Highway 400, City of Vaughan
147 It was moved by Regional Councillor Landon, seconded by Regional Councillor Schulte that Council receive the following report:
Report No. 2 of the Debenture Committee - September 23, 2014
Bylaw No. 2014-83 to authorize the borrowing upon sinking fund debentures in the principal amount of $250,000,000 for capital works of The Regional Municipality of York.
148 It was moved by Mayor Grossi, seconded by Mayor Emmerson that Council adopt the recommendations in the following report:
Report No. 3 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services
Community Investment Strategy Projects Recommended for 2015 Funding
(See Minute No. 149.)
149 Private Attachments to Report No. 3 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services - Community Investment Strategy Projects Recommended for 2015 Funding
It was moved by Mayor Grossi, seconded by Mayor Emmerson that Council receive and make public the two private attachments to Report No. 3 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services - Community Investment Strategy Projects Recommended for 2015 Funding.
(See Minute No. 148.)
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Mayor Emmerson that Council introduce and approve a certain Bill in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda and enact it as Bylaw.
Bylaw No. 2014-84
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Davis Drive, Town of Newmarket
151 Margaret Britnell, Former Mayor of the Township of King
Regional Chair Fisch acknowledged with sadness the recent passing of Margaret Britnell, former Mayor of the Township of King, on October 12, 2014. Former Mayor Britnell served as a member of Regional Council for a total of 14 years between 1973 and 1994.
Regional Chair Fisch praised Ms. Britnell as an active member of Regional Council who was committed to making our community a better place. Ms. Britnell dedicated her time to various community organizations including the Children’s Aid Society and the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.
On behalf of Council, Regional Chair Fisch offered condolences to the Britnell family and all those present joined in a moment of silence in honour of former Mayor Margaret Britnell.
152 Remembrance Day Ceremonies
Regional Chair Fisch noted that on November 11, Remembrance Day ceremonies were held across the Region to commemorate the sacrifices of people in all armed conflicts. This year was especially moving following the recent deaths of two Canadian soldiers.
On behalf of Council, Regional Chair Fisch offered condolences to the family and friends of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, killed October 20, 2014 and Cpl. Nathan Frank Cirillo, killed October 22, 2014. All those present joined in a moment of silence in honour of the fallen soldiers.
153 York Works Newsletter
Regional Chair Fisch drew Council's attention to the Fall 2014 issue of York Works which will be distributed to more than 360,000 homes and businesses in York Region starting this week.
This year York Works includes information from all departments to help the Region’s residents gain a better understanding of the important work being done by York Region. Articles include York University’s bid for a satellite campus in the City of Markham and adding the Drysdale Woods Tract to the York Regional Forest.
154 Final Meeting of Council’s 2010-2014 Term
Regional Chair Fisch highlighted the achievements of York Regional Council over the past four years, commending the dedication and collaboration of Council members in their efforts to make York Region a great place to live, work and play.
Regional Chair Fisch addressed the individual contributions of the outgoing Council members: Mayor Emmerson, Mayor Grossi, Regional Councillor Landon and Regional Councillor Schulte.
The four outgoing members each expressed their gratitude for serving on Regional Council. Their comments focused on the leadership of the Regional Chair, the support of the other members of Council, the professionalism of York Region staff and the many accomplishments of York Region.
155 Mayor Wayne Emmerson, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Regional Chair Fisch and members of Council acknowledged the contributions of the retiring Mayor of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Wayne Emmerson. Mayor Emmerson joined Regional Council in 1994 and over the last twenty years has successfully brought the needs of a smaller and growing community to the Regional table while never losing sight of the larger picture for York Region.
During his tenure, Mayor Emmerson served on many committees, including Finance and Administration, Housing, Children and Family Services, Fire Services, Solid Waste and various transit-related committees. Mayor Emmerson was also the Chair of the Transportation Services Committee for 14 years between 1997 and 2014.
Regional Chair Fisch thanked Mayor Emmerson for his contributions and wished him continued success in his future.
156 Mayor Rob Grossi, Town of Georgina
Regional Chair Fisch and members of Council noted the contributions of the outgoing Mayor of the Town of Georgina, Rob Grossi. Mayor Grossi joined Regional Council in 1994 and after 17 years in office is the longest-serving Mayor in the history of the Town of Georgina.
Throughout his political career, Mayor Grossi served on and chaired numerous committees and boards, including the Region's Finance and Administration, Transportation Services and Community and Health Services Committees. Mayor Grossi has helped lead our communities through much growth and change over the past two decades, while never losing sight of the importance of keeping people connected to their roots.
Regional Chair Fisch thanked Mayor Grossi for bringing his passion and sense of humour to Council, and wished him continued success in his future.
157 Regional Councillor Gordon Landon, City of Markham
Regional Chair Fisch and members of Council addressed the contributions of Regional Councillor Gordon Landon on his retirement. Regional Councillor Landon has spent more than 30 years in municipal politics, including 23 years as a member of Regional Council, making him the longest serving Councillor in the history of the City of Markham.
Regional Councillor Landon helped manage the Region through much change, including being an active member of the Transportation Services and Environmental Services Committees, as well as the 9-1-1 Advisory Board and Markham-Stouffville Hospital Board. As Chair of the Region’s Waste Committee for over 10 years, Regional Councillor Landon will be remembered for a commitment to waste-reduction strategies supporting our environmental initiatives.
Regional Chair Fisch remarked that it has been an honour to work alongside Regional Councillor Landon and wished him continued health and happiness in his retirement.
158 Regional Councillor Deb Schulte, City of Vaughan
Regional Chair Fisch and members of Council noted the contributions of outgoing Regional Councillor Deb Schulte. Regional Councillor Schulte was elected as a Regional Councillor for the City of Vaughan in the 2010 municipal election and has served the past four years as a member of Regional Council.
During the 2010-2014 term, Councillor Schulte was very active on a number of Regional Committees including the Planning and Economic Development Committee, Environmental Services and Audit Committee. She continually brought forward community feedback on important topics such as the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre and the Viva Rapidways.
Regional Chair Fisch praised Regional Councillor Schulte for her passion for making our community a better place and wished her well in her future endeavours.
159 Regional Chair Bill Fisch
Every member of Council present at the meeting offered personal tributes and thanks to Regional Chair Fisch on his retirement after serving 17 years as York Region Chairman and CEO and becoming the longest-serving Regional Chair in York Region History.
Following a career as a practicing lawyer, in 1988 Regional Chair Fisch first ran as a Town of Markham Ward Councillor and in 1994 became a Regional Councillor. He has served as Regional Chairman and CEO from 1997 to 2014.
During his tenure, Regional Chair Fisch and Council faced many challenges and opportunities related to rapid growth, seeing the Region’s population grow from 614,000 in 1997 to more than 1.1 million today. Prudent fiscal management was a top priority during growth, with the budget growing from $242 million in 1997 to over $3 billion today.
Members of Council praised Regional Chair Fisch for 17 years of steady, reliable, competent leadership and dedication to the betterment of York Region. They noted that he has a gift for keeping a balance between all nine municipalities, creating a collaborative and congenial atmosphere between members of Council.
Regional Chair Fisch was admired for his immense integrity, foresight and commitment to public service. His political journey was described as one of excellence: an incredible ambassador, masterful facilitator, competent manager, inspiring coach and enthusiastic cheerleader on behalf of York Region.
Council members recounted personal highlights of their shared public service experience with the Chairman and wished him well in his upcoming retirement.
Regional Chair Fisch replied with heartfelt thanks and appreciation to members of Council and to the staff of York Region. In particular, he thanked Lina Bigioni, Director of Government Relations and Executive Assistant to the Regional Chair, for her endless support as his right hand.
Regional Chair Fisch remarked that it has been a pleasure to work with Council and the incredible staff team at York Region because of their professionalism, culture of good service and commitment to our communities.
160 Bill Fisch Day in Honour of Retiring York Region Chairman and CEO
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler:
WHEREAS Regional Chair Bill Fisch has provided 26 years of exceptional public service:
• 6 years as a local Councillor in the Town of Markham
• 3 years as a Regional Councillor for the Town of Markham
• the longest serving Regional Chair of The Regional Municipality of York for the past 17 years, and
• the longest serving member of the York Regional Police Services Board
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that November 13, 2014 be proclaimed Bill Fisch Day in York Region.
A recorded vote on this motion was as follows:
For: Barrow, Bevilacqua, Dawe, Di Biase, Emmerson, Grossi, Hackson, Heath, Jones, Landon, Li, Pellegrini, Rosati, Scarpitti, Schulte, Taylor, Van Bynen, Wheeler (18)
Against: (0)
Carried Unanimously
Council did not resolve into Private Session.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Di Biase, seconded by Regional Councillor Li that Council enact the following bylaw to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council.
Bylaw No. 2014-85
To confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on November 13, 2014.
The Council meeting adjourned at 11:16 a.m.
Regional Clerk
Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on December 18, 2014.
Regional Chair