The Council of
The Regional Municipality of York
Revised Agenda
June 28, 2018
Immediately following Shareholder Meetings
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Chairman's Opening Remarks
B. Disclosures of Interest
C. Minutes of Council
[Click on the title of the following Minutes to view them]
C.1 Council Meeting held on May 17, 2018
D. Presentations
D.1 Inclusion Charter for York Region
Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer, York Region
(Please refer to Item G.4)
D.2 York Region Rapid Transit Corporation - 2017 Annual Report
Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
(Please refer to Item F.1)
E. Deputation
(Subject to Council granting deputant status.)
E.1 Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority's Annual Operating Plan
Michael Walters, Chief Administrative Officer, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
F. Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
F.1 York Region Rapid Transit Corporation - 2017 Annual Report
Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation dated June 28, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
F.2 Inclusion Charter for York Region
Serena Newhall, CIFAL Atlanta Executive Director dated May 21, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to Item G.4
F.3 Integrated Bilateral Agreement – Public Transit Stream Funding (Formerly PTIF 2) Report: Amendment to Recommendations
Bill Hughes, Commissioner of Finance dated June 14, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to Item G.2 (Clause 4 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 10 )
F.4 The Regional Municipality of York receives 20 International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Awards and two Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards
Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services dated June 28, 2018
Recommendation: Receive
F.5 Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis - 9225-9235-9245-9255 Jane Street, City of Vaughan
Todd Coles, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated March 27, 2018
Recommendation: Receive and refer to staff
G. Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
G.1 Report No. 2 of the Audit Committee- June 6, 2018
G.2 Report No. 10 of the Committee of the Whole - June 7, 2018
G.3 Report No. 11 of the Committee of the Whole - June 21, 2018
G.4 Report No. 1 of the Commissioner of Community and Health Services - Inclusion Charter for York Region
Report dated June 12, 2018 from the Commissioner of Community and Health Services regarding "Inclusion Charter for York Region" recommending that:
1. Council endorse the Inclusion Charter for York Region (Attachment 1).
2. The Regional Clerk forward this report to York Region Rapid Transit Corporation, Housing York Inc. and York Telecom Network requesting their Boards to endorse the Inclusion Charter for York Region (Attachment 1).
3. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the local municipalities, York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee, York Regional Police Services Board, Community Partnership Council and the Municipal Diversity and Inclusion Group.
H. Introduction and Consideration of Bylaws
[Click on the titles of the following Bylaws to view them]
H.1 Bylaw No. 2018-49 - Community Safety Zones
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1195-1999-077, being a bylaw to designate parts of Regional Roads as Community Safety Zones
H.2 Bylaw No. 2018-50 - Delegation Bylaw
Delegation Bylaw
H.3 Bylaw No. 2018-51 - Delegation during Recess of Regional Council
To delegate certain powers and duties during a recess of Regional Council
H.4 Bylaw No. 2018-52 - Bylaw to Assume a Part of Weston Road (YR 56)
A bylaw to add certain lands to the Regional Road System in the City of Vaughan
H.5 Bylaw No. 2018-53 - Bylaw to Assume McCowan Road (YR 67) between Davis Drive and Ravenshoe Road
A bylaw to amend Bylaw R-1107-96-126 being a bylaw to set out all the roads in the Regional Road System
H.6 Bylaw No. 2018-54 - Debenture - Town of Newmarket
To authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $26,000,000.00 towards the cost of a certain capital work of The Corporation of the Town of Newmarket set out in Schedule “A” to this Bylaw
H.7 Bylaw No. 2018-55 - Debenture - Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
To authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $2,820,000.00 towards the cost of a certain capital work of The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch- Stouffville set out in Schedule “A” to this Bylaw
H.8 Bylaw No. 2018-56 - YDSS Modifications, Newmarket
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the York Durham Sewage System Modifications component of the Upper York Sewage Solutions Project, Town of Newmarket
I. Motions
J. Notice of Motion
K. Other Business
L. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
L.1 Appointment of Associate Medical Officer of Health - Personal Matter about an Identifiable Individual
L.2 Private Attachment to Clause 12 of Committee Report No. 10 – Software Licences, Maintenance and Contract Renewals - Security of Property
L.3 Private Attachment to Clause 11 of Committee Report No. 11 - Professional Services for Risk Management Software System Support - Security of Property
M. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session
N. Confirmatory Bylaw
Introduction of Bylaw No. 2018-57 to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting on June 28, 2018
O. Adjournment