Regional Clerk's Office
Corporate Services Department
Revised Agenda
Committee of the Whole
October 13, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Disclosures of Interest
B. Presentations
B.1 York University New Campus Update
Bud Purves, President of York University Development Corporation and Rhonda Lenton, Provost and Vice-President of Academic, York University
B.2 York Region Annual Tourism Update
Samantha Wainberg, York Region Arts Council
(Please refer to Item E.2.1)
B.3 2015 Corporate State of Infrastructure
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services and Stephen Collins, Acting Commissioner of Transportation Services
(Please refer to Item F.2.1)
C. Deputations
(Subject to the Committee granting deputant status.)
[Click on the title of the following Deputation to view it]
C.1 Town of Georgina Official Plan 2016
Mr. Jack Gibbons, Chair, North Gwillimbury Forest Alliance
(Please refer to Item E.2.2)
D. Review of Regional Council Governance
[Click on the title of the following Report to view it]
D.1 Report [Review of Regional Council Governance]
E. Planning and Economic Development
Chair - Regional Councillor Di Biase
Vice-Chair - Regional Councillor Li
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
E.1 Communications
[Click on the names associated with the following Communications to view them]
E.1.1 Town of Georgina Official Plan 2016
1. Robert Blunt, Dentons Canada LLP on behalf of The Salvation Army Canada East dated September 14, 2016
2. Kevin Rich, Ducks Unlimited Canada dated October 3, 2016
3. Leo F. Longo, Aird & Berlis LLP on behalf of North Gwillimbury Forest Alliance dated October 11, 2016
Recommendation: Receive and refer to Item E.2.2
E.1.2 Draft Provincial Plan Amendments Regional Submission
1. Jeffrey Abrams, City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated September 26, 2016
2. Kathryn Moyle, Township Clerk, Township of King [6MB] dated September 30, 2016
3. Fernando Lamanna, Municipal Clerk, Town of East Gwillimbury dated October 3, 2016
4. Andrew Brouwer, Town Clerk, Town of Newmarket dated October 4, 2016
Recommendation: Receive and refer to Item E.2.3
E.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
E.2.1 York Region Annual Tourism Update
E.2.2 Town of Georgina Official Plan 2016 [6.8 MB]
E.2.3 Draft Provincial Plan Amendments Regional Submission
F. Finance and Administration
Chair - Mayor Barrow
Vice-Chair - Mayor Pellegrini
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
F.1 Communications
F.2 Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
F.2.1 Corporate State of Infrastructure Report [3.8 MB]
F.2.2 Nobleton Water and Wastewater Class Environmental Assessment Developer Funding
F.2.3 Temporary Borrowing Authorization for 2017
F.2.4 Delegation of Authority During Summer Recess - June 24, 2016 to September 21, 2016
F.2.5 Contractor Health and Safety Program Update
F.2.6 The Administrative Centre Annex (ACA) Tender Award
F.2.7 Contract Award for Security Guard Services
F.2.8 Lease Extension at 24262 Woodbine Avenue, Georgina
G. Other Business
H. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
H.1 Private Attachment to Item F.2.4 - Delegation of Authority During Summer Recess - June 24, 2016 to September 21, 2016 - Litigation
H.2 Private Attachment to Item F.2.7 - Contract Award for Security Guard Services - Security of Municipal Property
H.3 Private Attachments to Item F.2.8 - Lease Extension at 24262 Woodbine Avenue, Georgina - Land Acquisition
I. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session
J. Adjournment