The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
Minutes of the
Meeting Held on September 22, 2016
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Regional Council met at 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Emmerson presiding.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, V. Hackson, S. Pellegrini,
M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, T. Van Bynen
Regional Councillors:
N. Armstrong, M. Di Biase, M. Ferri, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Jones,
J. Li, G. Rosati, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor
D. Basso, B. Hughes, S. Collins, J. Hulton, K. Kurji, B. Macgregor,
E. Mahoney, V. Shuttleworth, M.F. Turner, A. Urbanski
Disclosures of Interest
116 Amendment No. 137 to the Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan (Clause 6 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 11 – Minutes of Council Meeting Held on June 23, 2016)
Mayor Altmann, having been absent from Council’s meeting of June 23, 2016, declared an interest in Clause 6 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 11 being considered within the Minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on June 23, 2016 regarding “Amendment No. 137 to the Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan”. He did this due to him residing in and his family owning land in that area. Mayor Altmann did not take part in the consideration or discussion of or vote on this item.
(See Minute No. 119.)
117 Contract Awards Report - April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 (Clause 9 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 13)
Regional Chair Emmerson declared an interest in Clause 9 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 13 regarding “Contract Awards Report - April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016”, as his brother is the owner of WBE Gradall Rentals, the contractor in contract T-16-05, and did not take part in the discussion of or vote on this item.
(See Minute No. 127.)
118 2015 York Regional Police Annual Report
Mayor Quirk declared an interest in the communication from Mafalda Avellino, dated August 24, 2016 regarding “2015 York Regional Police Annual Report” due to her stepson being a member of York Regional Police and her husband being a retired member of and under contract to York Regional Police. Mayor Quirk did not take part in any consideration or discussion of or vote on this item.
(See Minute No. 121)
[Click on the titles of the following Minutes to view them]
119 Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on June 23, 2016
It was moved by Mayor Pellegrini, seconded by Regional Councillor Armstrong that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on June 23, 2016 in the form supplied to the Members.
(See Minute No. 116.)
120 Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on September 8, 2016
It was moved Mayor Pellegrini, seconded by Regional Councillor Armstrong that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on September 8, 2016 in the form supplied to the Members.
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Council considered the following communications:
121 2015 York Regional Police Annual Report
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that Council receive the communication from Mafalda Avellino, Executive Director, The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board, dated August 24, 2016.
(See Minute No. 118.)
122 2018 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Board of Directors - Election of Mayor Tony Van Bynen
It was moved by Regional Councillor Hogg, seconded by Regional Councillor Rosati that Council receive the communication from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, dated August 18, 2016.
123 Toastmasters Month - October 2016
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Regional Councillor Li that Council receive the communication from Kim Chen, Vice President, Public Relations, TROY Toastmasters Club, dated September 6, 2016 and recognize October 2016 as “Toastmasters Month”.
124 Franco-Ontario Day - September 23, 2016
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council receive the communication from Alain Beaudoin, President of Board of Directors, L’AFRY, dated May 18, 2016 and recognize September 23, 2016 as “Franco-Ontarian Day”.
125 Regional Municipality of York - 2016 Credit Rating Update
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council receive the communication from Bill Hughes, Commissioner of Finance and Regional Treasurer, dated September 22, 2016.
Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
126 Report No. 12 of the Committee of the Whole – September 8, 2016
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 12 of Committee of the Whole with the amendment as noted:
Water and Wastewater Capacity Assignment to Support Approved Growth (Clause 8)
Add a further recommendation as follows:
4. Staff be authorized to consider a second inflow infiltration reduction project in Newmarket based on the same general principles set out in the first pilot project, provided that the first pilot project is completed OR it can be demonstrated that the second developer funded inflow infiltration reduction project does not impede the ability of the first pilot project to achieve the allocation needed to complete its development up to the maximum capacity stipulated in the project agreement.
and change recommendation 4 to recommendation 5.
125th Anniversary of Sutton and Jackson’s Point, Georgina (Clause 22)
Amend the clause to include Sutton as well as Jackson’s Point.
127 Report No. 13 of the Committee of the Whole – September 15, 2016
It was moved by Mayor Pellegrini, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 13 of Committee of the Whole.
(See Minute No. 117)
Introduction and Approval of Bylaws
128 Bylaws
[Click on the numbers of the following Bylaws to view them]
It was moved by Mayor Van Bynen, seconded by Regional Councillor Li that Council approve and enact the following bylaws in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda.
Bylaw No. 2016-60
To stop up and close portions of Bathurst Street (YR 38) in the Town of Richmond Hill and 16th Avenue (YR 73) in the City of Markham
Bylaw No. 2016-61
A bylaw to establish public highways - Donald Cousens Parkway (YR 48), Leslie Street (YR 12), Yonge Street (YR 1)
Bylaw No. 2016-62
A bylaw to acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Leslie Street (YR 12), Town of Aurora
[Click on the title of the following item to view it]
129 2017 Council and Committee Calendar [as presented to Council]
[UPDATED 2017 Calendar, including any additions and cancellations]
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council approve the 2017 Calendar of Council and Committee meetings.
Other Business
130 National Forest Week – September 18 – 24, 2016
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that September 18 – 24, 2016 is National Forest Week.
131 Council Education Session – October 20, 2016
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Quirk that Regional Council hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to subsection 239(3.1) of the Municipal Act, for the purposes of educating its Members on matters pertaining to Development Charges.
The meeting will be held immediately following the Council meeting on October 20, 2016 in the Council Chambers, Regional Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, Ontario.
132 Learning Disabilities of York Region
Regional Councillor Hogg advised that Learning Disabilities of York Region will be celebrating its 40th anniversary on September 26, 2016 at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.
133 Tastes of the Hill Multi-Cultural Festival
Regional Councillor Spatafora advised that the 10th annual “Tastes of the Hill” Multi- Cultural Festival will take place on September 25, 2016 from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. at Richmond Green Park.
134 Council Education Session – Open to the Public – September 29, 2016
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that the Council Education Session on September 29, 2016 relating to housing innovations is open to the public, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers.
135 GTHA Mayors and Chairs Summit
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that former Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion is holding a GTHA Mayors and Chairs Summit relating to the Provincial Growth Plan on September 30, 2016 at 9 a.m. in the York Region Council Chambers.
136 Leo McArthur
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that Mayor Scarpitti will be making an announcement on September 23, 2016 at the York Regional Police Safety Village relating to the late Leo McArthur, former President and CEO of The Miller Group.
Consideration and Adoption of Private Items
137 Private Session
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council convene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. Personnel Matter – Personal Matter about an Identifiable Individual
Council met in Private Session at 9:31 a.m. and reconvened in public at 9:38 a.m.
It was moved by Mayor Altmann, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council rise and report from Private Session.
138 Personnel Matter
It was moved by Mayor Altmann, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council receive the confidential update.
Confirmatory Bylaw
[Click on the number of the following Bylaw to view it]
139 Bylaw 2016-63
It was moved by Regional Councillor Rosati, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council enact Bylaw No. 2016-63 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on September 22, 2016.
The Council meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Regional Clerk
Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on October 20, 2016.
Regional Chair