The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
Minutes of the
Meeting Held on March 29, 2018
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Regional Council met at 9:03 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Emmerson presiding.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, G. Dawe, V. Hackson,
S. Pellegrini, M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, T. Van Bynen
Regional Councillors:
N. Armstrong, N. Davison, M. Ferri, J. Heath, J. Jones, J. Li,
G. Rosati, S. Singh, V. Spatafora
D. Basso, K. Chislett, P. Freeman, B. Hughes, J. Hulton,
Opening Remarks from Regional Chairman
38 Regional Chair Emmerson made the following remarks:
“I would like to begin today’s meeting by acknowledging that York Region extends over lands originally used and occupied by Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of York Region, I would like to thank First Nations and the Métis for sharing this land.
I would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our closest First Nation community.”
39 Tribute to Durham Regional Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Roger Anderson
Regional Chair Emmerson paid tribute to the life and legacy of Durham Regional Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Roger Anderson, who lost his courageous battle with cancer. Regional Chair Emmerson expressed his deepest sympathy, on behalf of York Regional Council, to Chairman Anderson’s family, friends and political colleagues.
Regional Chair Emmerson commended Regional Chair Anderson on his dedication for over 20 years and his belief in the importance of regional government, which he took to provincial, national and international stages. The alliance between Durham and York Region remains strong today, thanks to Chairman Anderson.
Members of Council and all those present in the Council Chambers stood in a moment of silence in honour of former Durham Regional Chairman, Roger Anderson.
40 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on February 15, 2018
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on February 15, 2018 in the form supplied to the Members.
41 Ontario Good Roads Association Awards
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Jones that Council receive the presentation to York Region of the following awards from Chris Traini, President, Ontario Good Roads Association and County Engineer, County of Middlesex:
• Snow Plow Signal Preemption - Ontario Road Coalition (ORC) - The John Niedra Better Practices Award, Innovative Service Delivery Category
• Project Delivery Methodologies (SPAR) - Ontario Road Coalition (ORC) - The John Niedra Better Practices Award, Innovative Management Practices Category
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
42 Modernization of the Subsidized Housing Wait List Report: Amendment to Recommendation 3 – Income Limit Eligibility Rule
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council receive the communication from Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated March 29, 2018 and adopt recommendation #3 in Clause 14 of Report No. 4 of Committee of the Whole, as amended.
(See Minute No. 46)
43 Retail Business Holidays Act
It was moved by Mayor Dawe, seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that Council receive the communication from Barbara McEwan, former City Clerk, City of Vaughan dated February 28, 2018.
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council suspend Section 17.23 of the Procedural Bylaw to permit the reconsideration of its decision of November 16, 2017 regarding the Holiday Shopping Bylaw, as reconsideration of this motion had been previously attempted at the December 14, 2017 Regional Council meeting.
A recorded vote on the adoption of the motion to suspend the rules to permit the reconsideration of a motion that was previously reconsidered was as follows:
For: Altmann, Armstrong, Bevilacqua, Davison, Dawe, Ferri, Hackson, Jones, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Singh, Spatafora (13)
Against: Barrow, Heath, Li, Pellegrini, Van Bynen (5)
Regional Councillors Hogg and Taylor were absent.
Carried with a 2/3 majority vote
Notice of Motion, moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Scarpitti, that Council reconsider its November 16, 2017 decision regarding the Holiday Shopping Bylaw was given at the March 29, 2018 Council meeting.
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua, that Council waive the notice requirements set out in the Procedural Bylaw to permit the reconsideration motion to be considered immediately.
A recorded vote on the adoption of the motion to waive notice was as follows:
For: Altmann, Armstrong, Bevilacqua, Davison, Dawe, Ferri, Hackson, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Singh, Spatafora (12)
Against: Barrow, Heath, Jones, Li, Pellegrini, Van Bynen (6)
Regional Councillors Hogg and Taylor were absent.
Lost as it failed to achieve the required 2/3 majority vote
To satisfy the notice requirements set out in Section 17.18 of the Procedural Bylaw, Mayor Bevilacqua’s motion to reconsider will be considered at the April 19, 2018 Regional Council meeting.
44 York Durham Sewage System Modifications Status Update
It was moved by Mayor Van Bynen, seconded by Mayor Dawe that Council receive the memorandum from Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services dated March 29, 2018.
45 2018 Federal Budget
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council receive the memorandum from Bill Hughes, Commissioner of Finance and Regional Treasurer dated March 29, 2018.
Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
46 Report No. 4 of Committee of the Whole – March 1, 2018
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 4 of Committee of the Whole with the following amendment as noted:
Modernization of the Subsidized Housing Wait List (Clause 14)
3. Council approve an eligibility rule setting an income limit at the 40th income percentile, rounded to the nearest thousand, effective October 1, 2018, to be reviewed every three years.
47 Report No. 5 of Committee of the Whole – March 22, 2018
Election of Regional Chair – Municipal Campaign Contribution Rebate Program (Clause 12)
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council implement a rebate program for the 2018 municipal election of Regional Chairman to a maximum of $350 per contribution and that the bylaw include the criteria outlined in the report.
A recorded vote on the adoption of the amendment was as follows:
For: Armstrong, Bevilacqua, Ferri, Heath, Jones, Li, Scarpitti, Singh (8)
Against: Altmann, Barrow, Davison, Dawe, Hackson, Pellegrini, Quirk, Rosati, Spatafora, Van Bynen, (10)
It was moved by Regional Councillor Li, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 5 of Committee of the Whole.
48 Report No. 1 of the Commissioner of Finance
It was moved by Mayor Pellegrini, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council adopt the recommendation in Report No. 1 of the Commissioner of Finance regarding 2017 Statement of remuneration and Expenses for Members of Council and Local Board Appointees.
Introduction and Approval of Bylaws
49 Bylaws
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council approve and enact the following bylaws in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda.
[Click on the numbers of the following Bylaws to view them]
Bylaw No. 2018-14
A bylaw to implement all-way stop control at intersections under the Region's jurisdiction and to delegate to the Commissioner of Transportation Services the power to implement all-way stop control
Bylaw No. 2018-15
A bylaw to establish charges for the uniform water service rate
Bylaw No. 2018-16
A bylaw to establish charges for the uniform wastewater service rate
Bylaw No. 2018-17
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the construction of the Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor along Yonge Street, Town of Newmarket (Y3.2)
Bylaw No. 2018-18
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the construction of the Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor along Yonge Street, Town of Newmarket (Y3.2)
Bylaw No. 2018-19
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the construction of the West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project, City of Vaughan
Bylaw No. 2018-20
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the York Durham Sewage System Modifications component of the Upper York Sewage Solutions Project, Town of Newmarket
Bylaw No. 2018-21
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Rutherford Road (YR 73), City of Vaughan
50 Bird-Friendly Standards
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council waive the notice requirements set out in the Procedural Bylaw to permit consideration of the ‘Bird-Friendly Standards’ motion on this date.
Carried with a required 2/3 majority vote
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Regional Councillor Li that Council adopt the resolution, regarding Bird-Friendly Standards as follows:
Whereas research indicates that across Canada, 25 to 30 million birds are killed annually by collisions with buildings;
Whereas the majority of these deaths are preventable;
Whereas birds are an indicator of ecological health and provide ecological services such as pollination and insect control, while generating millions of dollars through the bird watching industry;
Whereas the City of Markham has implemented bird-friendly guidelines and requirements of bird-friendly design and is fulfilling recommendations of the Markham Greenprint Sustainability Plan;
Whereas municipalities across the province are adopting similar strategies in their communities;
Whereas the Ontario Architects Association supports province-wide standards to regulate this growing conservation issue;
Whereas it is now an offense under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) to emit reflected light that kills or injures birds. Building owners and operators across the province seek direction on how best to mitigate this leading cause of bird death;
Whereas the Regional Municipality of York needs to demonstrate leadership in the protection of birds;
Therefore be it resolved that staff report back regarding the implementation of bird-friendly standards for The Regional Municipality of York by the end of June 2018.
Other Business
51 Appointment to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Board of Governors
Regional Chair Emmerson informed Council that he has appointed Mayor Pellegrini as York Region’s representative on the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Board of Governors.
Consideration and Adoption of Private Items
52 Private Session
It was moved by Mayor Dawe, seconded by Regional Councillor Rosati that Council convene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. Modernizing the Subsidized Housing Wait List - Solicitor-Client Privilege
2. Regional Solicitor's Use of Delegated Authority 2017 Annual Report – Litigation
3. Disposition of Matters under the Purchasing Bylaw 2017 Annual Report – Litigation
4. York Regional Police Marine Facility Design Build Contract - Land Acquisition
Council met in Private Session at 10:20 a.m. and reconvened in public at 10:21 a.m.
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Mayor Quirk that Council rise and report from Private Session.
53 Modernizing the Subsidized Housing Wait List
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council receive the private memorandum from Joy Hulton, Regional Solicitor dated March 1, 2018.
54 Regional Solicitor's Use of Delegated Authority 2017 Annual Report
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council adopt the recommendations in the private report of the Regional Solicitor dated March 2, 2018 as follows:
1. That Council receive this report for information.
55 Disposition of Matters under the Purchasing Bylaw 2017 Annual Report
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council adopt the recommendations in the private report of the Regional Solicitor dated March 2, 2018 as follows:
1. That Council receive this report for information.
56 York Regional Police Marine Facility Design Build Contract
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council adopt the recommendations in the private report of the Regional Solicitor dated March 2, 2018 as follows:
1. Council authorize the Chief of Police to execute the design build contract and ancillary documents with MSR Lalu Jackson’s Point Management Corp. for the York Regional Police marine facility project on behalf of the Region.
Confirmatory Bylaw
[Click on the number of the following Bylaw to view it]
57 Bylaw 2018-22
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Regional Councillor Li that Council enact Bylaw No. 2018-22 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on March 29, 2018.
The Council meeting adjourned at 10:23 a.m.
Regional Clerk
Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on April 19, 2018.
Regional Chair