The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
Minutes of the
Meeting Held on March 26, 2015
Regional Council met at 9:32 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Emmerson presiding.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, V. Hackson, M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, T. Van Bynen
Regional Councillors:
N. Armstrong, M. Di Biase, J. Heath, J. Jones, J. Li, G. Rosati, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor, D. Wheeler
D. Basso, B. Hughes, J. Hulton, D. Kostopoulos, Dr. K. Kurji, B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney, V. Shuttleworth, M.F. Turner, A. Urbanski
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Disclosures of Interest
57 Canada Post Communications – Finance and Administration
Clause 7 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 6
Mayor Quirk and Regional Councillor Heath declared an interest in Clause 7 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 6 regarding Canada Post, as they own property in an area that is being converted from door-to-door mail delivery to super mailboxes, and did not take part in the discussion of or vote on this item.
(See Minute No. 71.)
58 Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on February 26, 2015 and the Special Meeting of Council Held on March 5, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on February 26, 2015 and the Special meeting of Council held on March 5, 2015 in the form supplied to the Members.
59 Regional Administrative Centre Annex Building
It was agreed by Council that the presentation be withdrawn from the agenda.
60 Municipal Transparency and Accountability
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase that Council receive the deputation from Maddie Di Muccio, President, York Region Taxpayers Coalition.
61 Outsourcing of Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council receive the deputation from Kim McKinnon and Sheri Upper, Citizens for Accessibility and Mobility and refer it to consideration of Clause 8 in Committee of the Whole Report No. 5.
Council considered the following communications:
62 Regional Administrative Centre Annex Building
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council refer the communication from Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated March 26, 2015 to the discussion of the motion.
(See Minute No. 75.)
63 Appointment of Members to the 2015-2018 Human Services Planning Board of York Region
It was moved by Regional Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council receive the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated March 26, 2015 and approve the appointment of members to the Human Services Planning Board of York Region as listed in Private Attachment 1.
(See Minute No. 85.)
64 National Access Awareness Week – May 31 to June 6, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council receive the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated March 26, 2015 and recognize May 31 to June 6, 2015 as National Access Awareness Week.
65 Ontario Ice Storm Assistance Program Update
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Jones that Council receive the communication from Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer, dated March 26, 2015.
66 2015 Coordinated Review of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Greenbelt Plan, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Plan
It was moved by Regional Councillor Li, seconded by Mayor Altmann that Council receive the communication from Valerie Shuttleworth, Chief Planner, dated March 26, 2015.
67 Belinda’s Place Update
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council receive the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated March 26, 2015.
68 Amendment No. 10 to the Newmarket Official Plan Urban Centres Secondary Plan
It was moved by Regional Councillor Di Biase, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council receive the communication from Ryan Guetter, Vice President, Weston Consulting, dated March 25, 2015.
(See Minute No. 70.)
69 Amendment No. 10 to the Newmarket Official Plan Urban Centres Secondary Plan
It was moved by Regional Councillor Di Biase, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council receive the communication from James Harbell, Stikeman Elliott, dated March 25, 2015.
(See Minute No. 70.)
Consideration and Adoption of Reports
70 Report No. 5 of Committee of the Whole – March 5, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 5 of Committee of the Whole with the following amendments as noted:
York Region Transit (YRT/Viva) Fare Adjustments and Fare Policy Update (Clause 4)
A recorded vote on the adoption of the recommendations in Clause 4 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 5 pertaining to “York Region Transit (YRT/Viva) Fare Adjustments and Fare Policy Update” was as follows:
For: Altmann, Armstrong, Barrow, Bevilacqua, Di Biase, Hackson, Jones, Li, Quirk, Scarpitti, Spatafora, Taylor, Van Bynen and Wheeler (14)
Against: Heath (1)
Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel (Clause 8)
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase that Council adopt the recommendations in Clause 8 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 5, with the following addition:
5. Staff bring back a report after one year providing a review of the program.
(See Minute No. 79.)
Communications – Community and Health Services
Enhancements to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act [Clause 20(4)]
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council receive the communication in Clause 20(4) of Committee of the Whole Report No. 5, with the following additions:
1. Staff bring back a memo outlining the activities and policies that other municipalities have undertaken regarding smoking in recreational spaces.
2. Staff bring back a report with information regarding e-cigarettes and the steps that could be taken by municipalities to restrict use.
71 Report No. 6 of Committee of the Whole – March 12, 2015
(Mayor Quirk and Regional Councillor Heath declared an interest in Clause 7 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 6 regarding Canada Post, as they own property in an area that is being converted from door-to-door mail delivery to super mailboxes, and did not take part in the discussion of or vote on this item.)
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 6 of Committee of the Whole.
72 Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension - Schedule and Cost Status Update - Report No. 1 of the Chief Administrative Officer
Council referred this matter to Private Session.
(See Minute No. 88.)
73 Remuneration - Members of Council and Local Boards – 2014 - Report No. 3 of the Commissioner of Finance
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council adopt the recommendation in Report No. 3 of the Commissioner of Finance dated March 19, 2015, as follows:
1. Council receive this report for information.
Introduction and Approval of Bylaws
74 Bylaws
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council approve and enact the following bylaws in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda.
Bylaw No. 2015-12
A bylaw to establish charges for the uniform water service rate
Bylaw No. 2015-13
A bylaw to establish charges for the uniform wastewater service rate
Bylaw No. 2015-14
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Highway 7 (YR 7), Centre Street (YR 71) and Bathurst Street (YR 38), City of Vaughan
Bylaw No. 2015-15
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Bayview Avenue (YR 34) from 19th Avenue (YR 29) to Stouffville Road (YR 14), Town of Richmond Hill
Bylaw No. 2015-16
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Leslie Street (YR 12) from Wellington Street East (YR 15) to Mulock Drive (YR 74), Town of Aurora and Town of Newmarket
Bylaw No. 2015-17
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Major Mackenzie Drive West (YR 25) from the Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing to Islington Avenue (YR 17), City of Vaughan
Bylaw No. 2015-18
A bylaw to establish a public highway, part of Yonge Street (YR 1), north of Carville Road, Town of Richmond Hill
75 Regional Administrative Centre Annex Building
(Notice of the following motion, moved by Regional Councillor Jones, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase was provided at the February 26, 2015 Regional Council meeting and referred to Committee of the Whole. At its meeting on March 12, 2015, Committee of the Whole forwarded the motion to this meeting of Regional Council.)
Regional Councillor Jones, the mover, indicated to Council that he was withdrawing the following motion. Regional Councillor Di Biase, the seconder, agreed to the withdrawal of the motion:
Whereas, we are in the midst of unprecedented growth in our Region; and
Whereas, in a very short time, we have seen our population grow to the point that our population is now larger than the Province of Nova Scotia, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Province of New Brunswick and is about the same as the Province of Saskatchewan; and
Whereas, our population is just over one million one hundred and fifty thousand residents today and is projected in the Provincial Growth Plan to exceed two million residents in the next twenty-five years; and
Whereas, we the elected Council for York Region have a duty and obligation to provide all Regional services to those that need them in as convenient location as possible; and
Whereas, we are seeing an aging population and more people requiring services that must rely on public transit and would benefit if they had better transit access to the new Regional facility; and
Whereas, we also have an obligation to our employees to have our facilities in a convenient location so that transit is a viable option; and
Whereas, our residents’ needs are changing from the Region providing predominantly hard services such as roads, water, sanitary sewers and treatment systems to a Region that is also becoming increasingly involved in the delivery of public transit, social housing and expanding social services; and
Whereas, the large population of our Region is provided with services such as healthy living services, child and family health services, speech and language therapy, dental and many more social services; and
Whereas, for generations the Town of Newmarket had been the County Seat for the County of York including Toronto, and continues to be the centre of Regional government, which will not change; and
Whereas, about three quarters of the residents we serve reside in the southern portion of the Region and seventy eight per cent of the assessment resides in the City of Vaughan, the Town of Richmond Hill and the City of Markham; and
Whereas, the Provincial Growth Plan recognizes that growth has been and will continue to be centred in the three southern municipalities and has designated three major Growth Centres in the Highway 7 Corridor, the Vaughan Corporate Centre, the Markham City Centre and the Richmond Hill/Langstaff Gateway. There is a fourth Regional Growth Centre designated in Newmarket on Yonge Street and Davis Drive; and
Whereas, the Regional Official Plan also recognizes the tremendous growth and the importance of the node and transit mobility hubs in Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill; and
Whereas, the majority of the planned growth in the Region will be Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in the south, served by the Richmond Hill/Langstaff Mobility Hub. This Hub will be the interface of York Region Transit, Viva, the Yonge Street subway, the Richmond Hill all day GO rail and the MTO 407 High-Speed Rail Transit-Way and possibly the high-speed rail from Quebec City to Windsor Rail Express, that being six individual services interfacing at one location which is unparalleled in this country; and
Whereas, the intersection of Yonge Street and Highway 7 is also where Vaughan, Markham and Richmond Hill all intersect; and
Whereas, this location has been identified as an Urban Growth Centre and a Major Regional Transit Hub joining the Yonge Street Subway extension, the Richmond Hill GO Train, the Provincial 407 Rail Transit-Way, Viva Yonge Street BRT, Viva Highway 7 BRT and YRT services; and
Whereas, the intersection of Yonge and Highway 7 is central and accessible by public transit to a much larger population than the proposed annex building expansion to the existing Regional headquarters; and
Whereas, there are approved planning permissions in place at the Yonge and Highway 7 intersection to house a major Regional presence and assist in the delivery of services to those that need them in a more convenient location; and
Whereas, this is an ideal location to consolidate other regional, provincial and federal government services in the area to one central and accessible location; and
Whereas, we are faced budget pressures at present due to growth pressures and the increasing needs of our residents;
Now therefore be it resolved:
That staff be directed to meet with the Highway 7 and Yonge Street landowners to explore building the Regional Building Annex in the Richmond Hill Centre/Langstaff Gateway area and to consolidate other Regional leased sites in the area into one building and present options to Council for build to own, lease, or lease to purchase;
And that a report on the progress be presented to Council at the April 2015 meeting of Council.
- - -
It was then moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that the communication from Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services be received and that Council reaffirm its commitment to proceed with a consolidated administrative Annex building at Yonge Street and Eagle Street in Newmarket to achieve efficiencies and savings and to address current and future growth in York Region.
Other Business
76 York Works
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that the Spring edition of York Works is now available.
77 2015-2109 Strategic Plan – From Vision to Results
Regional Chair Emmerson advised that the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan – From Vision to Results is now available.
Consideration and Adoption of Private Items
78 Private Session
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council convene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel – Solicitor/Client Privilege
2. Appeals to Regional Official Plan, City of Vaughan – Solicitor/Client Privilege
3. Approval to Expropriate Major Mackenzie Drive – Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing to Islington Avenue, City of Vaughan – Land Acquisition
4. Lease Agreement – Newmarket – Land Acquisition
5. Disposition of Matters Under the Purchasing Bylaw – 2014 Annual Report – Litigation
6. Regional Solicitor Use of Delegated Settlement Authority – 2014 Annual Report – Litigation
7. Attachment to Appointment of Members to the 2015-2016 Human Services Planning Board of York Region – Personal Matters about Identifiable Individuals
8. Development Charge Prepayment Agreement Request for Special Consideration – Highway 7 East, City of Markham - Potential Litigation
9. Chief Administrative Officer - Private Memorandum - Update - Settlement on Development Charge Complaint – Weston Road, City of Vaughan - Potential Litigation
10. Verbal Update - Rapid Transit Matters – Potential Litigation
Council met in Private Session at 11:31 a.m. and reconvened in Council at 12:27 p.m.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Di Biase, seconded by Mayor Quirk that Council rise and report from Private Session.
79 Mobility Plus Eligibility Appeal Panel
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase that Council receive the confidential memorandum.
(See Minute No. 70.)
80 Appeals to Regional Official Plan, City of Vaughan
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Regional Councillor Di Biase that Council receive the confidential memorandum.
81 Approval to Expropriate Major Mackenzie Drive – Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing to Islington Avenue, City of Vaughan
It was moved by Regional Councillor Di Biase, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council adopt the recommendations in the private report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services dated January 28, 2015 as follows:
1. Council, as approving authority, approve the expropriation of the following lands, for the widening and reconstruction of Major Mackenzie Drive, in the City of Vaughan.
No. 1.
Owner: Fabrizi, Curzio; Fabrizi, Carlo
Municipal Address: 6191 Major Mackenzie Drive, Vaughan
Legal Description: Part of the West Half of Lot 20, Concession 9, City of Vaughan, Part 14 Plan 65R-14755, together with R412618
Interest Required: Fee Simple (Full buy-out)
2. The Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to execute and serve any notices required under the Expropriations Act (the “Act”).
3. Council authorize the introduction of the necessary bylaw to give effect to these recommendations.
82 Lease Agreement – Newmarket
It was moved by Mayor Van Bynen, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council adopt the recommendation in the private report of the Commissioner of Corporate Services dated February 18, 2015 as follows:
1. Council receive this report for information.
83 Disposition of Matters Under the Purchasing Bylaw – 2014 Annual Report
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council adopt the recommendation in the private report of the Regional Solicitor dated February 11, 2015 as follows:
1. Council receive this report for information.
84 Regional Solicitor Use of Delegated Settlement Authority – 2014 Annual Report
It was moved by Regional Councillor Li, seconded by Regional Councillor Armstrong that Council adopt the recommendation in the private report of the Regional Solicitor dated February 11, 2015 as follows:
1. Council receive this report for information.
85 Attachment – Appointment of Members to the 2015-2016 Human Services Planning Board of York Region
It was moved by Regional Councillor Wheeler, seconded by Mayor Scarpitti that Council receive the private memorandum and appoint the following members to the Human Services Planning Board of York Region:
Member Organizations
Christina Bisanz, CHATS - Community & Home Assistance to Seniors
Michael Braithwaite, 360 Kids
Tina DiSimone, Seneca College
Pat Horgan, IBM Canada
Noor Din, Human Endeavour
Chief Eric Jolliffe, York Regional Police
Gailina Liew, Board Chair, ventureLAB
Medhat Mahdy, YMCA Greater Toronto
Jo-anne Marr, Central Community Care Access Centre
Leah Martuscelli, Southlake Regional Health Centre
J. Philip Parappally, York Region District School Board
Patricia Preston, York Catholic District School Board
Stan Shapson, York University
Rebecca Shields, Canadian Mental Health Association of York Region
Adelina Urbanski, The Regional Municipality of York
Rachael Wong, TD Direct Investing
Moy Wong-Tam, Welcome Centre Immigrant Services
Daniele Zanotti, United Way of York Region
Community Leader Members
Charles Beer
Stephen Gaetz
Bill Hogarth
Richard Solomon
Rehana Sumar
Government Advisor and Resource Members
Jim Baird, City of Markham
Kim Baker, Central Local Health Integration Network
Daryl Chong, Greater Toronto Apartment Association
Nadia Frantellizzi, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Darryl Gray, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Sandy McMillan, Ontario Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities
John Pugsley, Ontario Trillium Foundation
(See Minute No. 63.)
86 Development Charge Prepayment Agreement Request for Special Consideration – Highway 7 East, City of Markham
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council refer the private report from the Commissioner of Finance, dated March 24, 2015 to the private session of the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 16, 2015.
87 Update – Settlement on Development Charge Complaint – Weston Road, City of Vaughan
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Armstrong that Council receive the private memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated March 26, 2015.
88 Rapid Transit Matters and Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Schedule and Cost Status Update - Report No. 1 of the Chief Administrative Officer
It was moved by Regional Councillor Di Biase, seconded by Mayor Scarpitti that Council receive the private verbal update.
(In considering the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Schedule and Cost Status Update report, Council also had before it Appendixes E, F and G, attached to the report of the TTC Chief Executive Officer, dated March 26, 2015.)
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Scarpitti that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 1 of the Chief Administrative Officer dated March 20, 2015, as follows:
1. Receive the report of the TTC CEO (Attachment 1);
2. Acknowledge a delay of at least one year to the completion of the Spadina subway extension, with a new target date for completion of December 2017;
3. Support the TTC CEO being authorized to take the steps set out in his report (Attachment 1) to minimize the impact of the delay to the completion of the Spadina subway extension and to minimize the additional budget impact;
4. Authorize staff to seek additional funding contributions from Federal and Provincial partners;
5. Authorize a request to the federal Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs to extend the Building Canada Fund Contribution Agreement for the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension, amending the “Project Completion Date” and “Agreement End Date”, to June 30, 2018; and
6. Pending any additional commitment for funding from senior government, approve additional funding of up to $60 million for the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension.
Confirmatory Bylaw
89 Bylaw 2015-19
It was moved by Mayor Quirk, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council enact Bylaw No. 2015-19 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on March 26, 2015.
The Council meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Regional Clerk
Minutes to be confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on April 23, 2015.
Regional Chair