The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
Minutes of the
Meeting Held on April 19, 2018
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Regional Council met at 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Emmerson presiding.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, G. Dawe, V. Hackson, S. Pellegrini, M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, T. Van Bynen
Regional Councillors:
N. Armstrong, N. Davison, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Jones, J. Li, G. Rosati, S. Singh, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor
D. Basso, P. Freeman, L. Gonsalves, J. Hulton, P. Jankowski, K. Kurji, B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney, J. Silva, M.F. Turner
Opening Remarks from Regional Chairman
63 Regional Chair Emmerson made the following remarks:
“I would like to begin today’s meeting by acknowledging that York Region extends over lands originally used and occupied by Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of York Region, I would like to thank First Nations and the Métis for sharing this land.
I would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our closest First Nation community.”
Disclosures of Interest
[Click on the titles of the following Minutes to view them]
64 Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on March 29, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Quirk, seconded by Regional Councillor Singh that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on March 29, 2018 in the form supplied to the Members.
65 Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council Held on March 29, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Quirk, seconded by Regional Councillor Singh that Council confirm the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on March 29, 2018 in the form supplied to the Members.
66 Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council Held on April 12, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Quirk, seconded by Regional Councillor Singh that Council confirm the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on April 12, 2018 in the form supplied to the Members.
67 Establishing a Council Code of Conduct, Integrity Commissioner and Policy on Council-Staff Relations
Christopher Raynor, Regional Clerk, provided Council with an overview of the draft Council Code of Conduct, including a comparison of sections to existing local municipal Codes of Conduct and the process for establishing jurisdiction.
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council receive the presentation.
(See Minute No. 69.)
Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
68 Report No. 6 of Committee of the Whole – April 5, 2018
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 6 of Committee of the Whole with the amendment as noted below.
York Region Seniors Strategy Update (Clause 10)
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council add the following recommendation:
2. Staff be directed to report back with options for potential built form adaptations to create more senior-friendly housing.
69 Report No. 7 of Committee of the Whole – April 12, 2018
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Li that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 7 of Committee of the Whole with the amendments as noted below.
Establishing a Council Code of Conduct, Integrity Commissioner and Policy on Council-Staff Relations (Clause 16)
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that:
1. The Regional Clerk be delegated the authority to appoint an Integrity Commissioner, based on the criteria outlined in the report, for a term of five years with the option to renew for one additional five-year term.
2. The following recommendations be referred to the future Integrity Commissioner:
1. Council adopt the Code of Conduct for Members of Regional Council as set out in Attachment 1.
2. Council adopt the provisions of the Code of Conduct to serve as the required policy with respect to the relationship between members of council and staff.
Updating the Procedure Bylaw to reflect Legislative Amendments (Clause 17)
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that:
1. Council receive the report dated March 13, 2018 from the Commissioner of Corporate Services.
2. Council refer the proposed bylaw to staff to bring back to Council in May 2018 with additional amendments to provide for notice of motion to be given at Committee of the Whole meetings then dispensed with at the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
(See Minute No. 67.)
Introduction and Approval of Bylaws
[Click on the Numbers of the following Bylaws to view them]
70 Bylaws
It was moved by Regional Councillor Hogg, seconded by Regional Councillor Jones that Council approve and enact the following bylaws in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda.
Bylaw No. 2018-25 - Woodbine Avenue (Y.R. 8) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1306-2002-108 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Woodbine Avenue (Y.R. 8)
Bylaw No. 2018-26 - Don Mills Road/Leslie Street/The Queensway (Y.R. 12) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1310-2002-112 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Don Mills Road/Leslie Street/The Queensway (Y.R. 12)
Bylaw No. 2018-27 - Yonge Street/Bradford Street/Mount Albert Road (Y.R. 13) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1311-2002-113 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Yonge Street/Bradford Street/Mount Albert Road (Y.R. 13)
Bylaw No. 2018-28 - Green Lane (Y.R. 19) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1317-2002-119 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Green Lane (Y.R. 19)
Bylaw No. 2018-29 - Highway 27 (Y.R. 27) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1321-2002-123 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Highway 27 (Y.R. 27)
Bylaw No. 2018-30 - Ravenshoe Road (Y.R. 32) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1325-2002-127 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Ravenshoe Road (Y.R. 32)
Bylaw No. 2018-31 - McCowan Road (Y.R. 67) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1338-2002-140 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on McCowan Road (Y.R. 67)
Bylaw No. 2018-32 - Vivian Road/Mulock Drive (Y.R. 74) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1343-2002-145 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Vivian Road/Mulock Drive (Y.R. 74)
Bylaw No. 2018-33 - Metro Road (Y.R. 78) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1345-2002-147 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Metro Road (Y.R. 78)
Bylaw No. 2018-34 - Holland Landing Road (Y.R. 83) Speed Limit
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1350-2002-152 being a bylaw to prescribe maximum rates of speed on Holland Landing Road (Y.R. 83)
Bylaw No. 2018-35 - 2018 Property Tax Ratios
A bylaw to establish tax ratios and to specify the percentage by which tax rates are to be reduced for prescribed property subclasses for 2018
Bylaw No. 2018-36 - 2018 Property Tax Rates
A bylaw to set and levy the rates of taxation for Regional general purposes for the year 2018
Bylaw No. 2018-37 - Debenture - Town of Aurora
A bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $5,500,000.00 ($2,944,230.62 of which amount may be raised by the issue of refinancing amortizing debentures on or before the maturity date) towards the cost of a capital work of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora
Bylaw No. 2018-38 - Debenture - Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
A bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $4,497,553.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Bylaw No. 2018-39 Yonge Street – Land Acquisition for Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
A bylaw to acquire certain lands for or in connection with the construction of the Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor along Yonge Street, Town of Richmond Hill (Y2.2)
71 Holiday Shopping Bylaw
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Mayor Scarpitti that Council reconsider its November 16, 2017 decision regarding the Holiday Shopping Bylaw.
A recorded vote on the adoption of the reconsideration was as follows:
For: Altmann, Armstrong, Bevilacqua, Davison, Dawe, Hackson, Rosati, Scarpitti, Singh, Taylor (10)
Against: Barrow, Heath, Hogg, Jones, Li, Pellegrini, Quirk, Spatafora, Van Bynen (9)
Regional Councillor Ferri was absent.
Lost as it failed to achieve the required 2/3 majority vote
Consideration and Adoption of Private Items
72 Private Session
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Rosati that Council convene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. York-Toronto Water Supply Agreement Update - Negotiations
2. Cyber Security - Security of Property
Council met in Private Session at 10:15 a.m. and reconvened in public at 10:17 a.m.
It was moved by Mayor Altmann, seconded by Regional Councillor Singh that Council rise and report from Private Session.
73 York-Toronto Water Supply Agreement Update
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council adopt the confidential recommendations in the private report of the Commissioner of Environmental Services dated March 21, 2018.
74 Cyber Security
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Pellegrini that Council adopt the following recommendation in the private report of Commissioner of Finance dated March 21, 2018:
1. Council receive this report for information.
Confirmatory Bylaw
75 Bylaw No. 2018-41
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Dawe that Council enact Bylaw No. 2018-41 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on April 19, 2018.
The Council meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
Regional Clerk
Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on May 17, 2018.
Regional Chair