The Council of
The Regional Municipality of York
Revised Agenda
May 19, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Disclosures of Interest
B. Public Meeting - Area-Specific Development Charges Bylaw - Nobleton, Township of King
Pursuant to the Development Charges Act, 1997, Regional Council shall hold a public meeting to receive input on an area-specific bylaw for imposing wastewater development charges on property owners in the Village of Nobleton, in the Township of King.
C. Presentation
C.1 Nobleton Area-Specific Development Charge Study for Wastewater Service
Andrew Grunda, Principal, Watson & Associates Economist Ltd.
D. Minutes of Council
D.1 Council Meeting held on April 21, 2016
E. Presentations
F. Deputations
(Subject to Council granting deputant status.)
G. Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
G.1 Strategy for a Safer Ontario
Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Chair, The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board dated April 29, 2016 regarding the Board's submission on the proposed legislative amendments to the Police Services Act and related regulations
G.2 Senior's Month - June 2016
The Honourable Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs, dated March 30, 2016, requesting that Council recognize June as Seniors' Month
G.3 Pride Week - June 11-19, 2016
Amanada Knegje, President and Michael Blackburn, Vice President, PFLAG Canada - York Region dated April 2, 2016, requesting that Council recognize June 11-19, 2016 as Pride Week
G.4 Transportation Master Plan Update - Draft Network Alternatives
Kathryn Moyle, Director of Clerks/Bylaw Enforcement, Township Clerk, Township of King dated April 28, 2016 forwarding a report adopted by the Township of King at its meeting on April 18, 2016, regarding the Region of York Transportation Master Plan.
(See Clause 2 Committee of the Whole Report No. 8)
G.5 The Regional Municipality of York receives six International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Awards
Dino Basso, Commissioner, Corporate Services dated May 19, 2016, regarding The Regional Municipality of York receiving six International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Awards
H. Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
H.1 Report No. 8 of the Committee of the Whole - May 5, 2016
H.2 Report No. 9 of the Committee of the Whole - May 12, 2016
I. Introduction and Consideration of Bylaws
I.1 Bylaw No. 2016-36
A bylaw to add lands to the Regional Roads System in the Town of Richmond Hill - Yonge Street
To follow
J. Motions
K. Notice of Motion
L. Other Business
M. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
M.1 Lease Extension - 1091 Gorham Street, Newmarket - Land Acquisition
M.2 CUPE Mandate - Labour Relations
N. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session
O. Confirmatory Bylaw
Introduction of Bylaw No. 2016-37 to confirm the proceedings of Council at this meeting
P. Adjournment