The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
Minutes of the
Meeting Held on September 24, 2015
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
Regional Council met at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers, York Region Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, with Regional Chair Emmerson presiding.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, V. Hackson, S. Pellegrini, M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, T. Van Bynen
Regional Councillors:
N. Armstrong, M. Di Biase, M. Ferri, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Jones, J. Li, G. Rosati, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor, D. Wheeler
D. Basso, B. Hughes, J. Hulton, D. Kostopoulos, K. Kurji, B. Macgregor, P. May, E. Mahoney, V. Shuttleworth, A. Urbanski
154 Minutes of the Council Meeting Held on June 25, 2015
It was moved by Mayor Altmann, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on June 25, 2015 in the form supplied to the Members.
Council heard the following presentations:
155 The Canadian Red Cross, York Region Branch, presenting York Region with a Certificate of Appreciation
Sharen Cain, Region of York Branch Council Chairman, Canadian Red Cross presented York Region with a Certificate of Appreciation recognizing the partnership over the past 115 years in serving the needs of the vulnerable in our community.
Regional Chair Emmerson expressed thanks, on behalf of York Region Council, to all of the volunteers and the Canadian Red Cross, York Region Branch.
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Van Bynen that Council receive the presentation.
156 Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Hillary Marshall, Vice-President Stakeholder Relations & Communications, Michelle Samson-Doel - Member of Greater Toronto Airports Authority and Aleem Kanji, Manager - Government Affairs & Stakeholder Relations provided an overview of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) and its role in the future of Toronto Pearson Airport.
The presentation focused on the need to manage the significant growth that has taken place, with an increase in passengers at Toronto Pearson Airport from 10.5 million in 1974 to 38.6 million in 2014, and a projection of 64 million passengers by 2033. The Greater Toronto Airports Authority considers and manages many areas of impact, including passenger flow, transit options, connectivity to regional transportation, environmental factors, non-aeronautical revenues, food and beverage options, community partnerships, and duty free offerings.
It was moved by Regional Councillor DiBiase, seconded by Regional Councillor Heath that Council receive the presentation.
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view the items]
Council considered the following communications:
157 2014 York Regional Police Annual Report
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council receive the communication from Malfada Avellino, Executive Director, The Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board, dated August 21, 2015.
158 Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Use in Ontario
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora, seconded by Regional Councillor Wheeler that Council receive the communication from Steven Del Duca, Minister, Ministry of Transportation, dated June 10, 2015 regarding off-road vehicle (ORV) use in Ontario.
159 Character Community Week - October 24-31, 2015
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Regional Councillor Hogg that Council receive the communication from Karen Addison, Executive Director, Character Community Foundation of York Region, dated September 11, 2015, and recognize October 24-31, 2015 as Character Community Week.
160 English as Second Language Week - November 8 - 14, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council receive the communication from Sheila Nicholas, Chair, Teachers of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario, dated May 1, 2015, and recognize November 8 - 14, 2015 as English as a Second Language Week in York Region.
161 Clean Air Partnership - Clean Air Council Summit - October 23, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Hogg, seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that Council receive the communication from Gabriella Kalapos, Executive Director, Clean Air Partnership, extending an invitation to all members of York Region Council to the Clean Air Council Summit to be held on Friday, October 23, 2015.
162 Toastmasters Month - October 2015
It was moved by Mayor Quirk, seconded by Mayor Altmann that Council receive the communication from Mary Coates, Vice President Public Relations, TROY Toastmasters, dated September 15, 2015, and recognize the month of October 2015 as Toastmasters Month.
163 Woodbridge Redevelopment Design/Build Award
It was moved by Regional Councillor Ferri, seconded by Regional Councillor DiBiase that Council approve the addition to the agenda of the communication from Maria Verna, President, The Village of Woodbridge Ratepayers Association, dated September 24, 2015.
2/3 majority
It was moved by Regional Councillor Ferri, seconded by Regional Councillor DiBiase that Council receive the communication and refer it to the consideration of Clause 19 in Committee of the Whole Report No. 13.
Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Committee Reports to view the items]
164 Report No. 13 of Committee of the Whole - September 10, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Regional Councillor DiBiase that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 13 of Committee of the Whole.
A recorded vote on the adoption of the recommendations in Clause 7 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 13 pertaining to “Ninth Line Truck Restriction Update” was as follows:
For: Altmann, Armstrong, Barrow, Bevilacqua, Di Biase, Ferri, Hackson, Hogg, Jones, Li, Pellegrini, Quirk, Rosati, Scarpitti, Spatafora, Taylor, Van Bynen and Wheeler (18)
Against: Heath (1)
The motion moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Regional Councillor DiBiase carried.
165 Report No. 14 of Committee of the Whole - September 17, 2015
It was moved by Regional Councillor Wheeler, seconded by Mayor Barrow that Council adopt the recommendations in Report No. 14 of Committee of the Whole with the following amendments as noted:
Release of Conditional Funding for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Kortright Municipal Servicing Capital Project (Clause 5)
Council referred this report back to the Commissioner of Finance for consideration as part of the 2016 budget process.
[Click on the title of the following Report to view the item]
166 Report No. 1 of the Regional Chair - Committee Structure
It was moved by Mayor Barrow, seconded by Mayor Bevilacqua that Council adopt the following recommendation:
Council confirm and continue with the Committee of the Whole structure.
Introduction and Approval of Bylaws
167 Bylaws
[Click on the numbers of the following Bylaws to view the items]
It was moved by Regional Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Mayor Hackson that Council approve and enact the following bylaws in the form as noted on the Revised Agenda.
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. LI-8-95-76 to permit retail establishments to be open on holidays - Seasons Foodmart
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-1017-93-112 to prohibit heavy trucks on Regional Roads
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. R-393-76-66 respecting turning movements on Regional Roads
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2009-23 being a bylaw to designate lanes on regional roads for the exclusive use of certain classes of vehicles
A bylaw respecting mandatory food handler certification
A bylaw to establish a public highway on part of Dufferin Street, City of Vaughan
A bylaw to acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Major Mackenzie Drive West (YR 25) in the City of Vaughan
A bylaw to acquire certain lands for or in connection with the intersection improvements at Davis Drive (YR 31) and Bathurst Street (YR 38) in the Township of King and Town of Newmarket
A bylaw to add certain lands to the Regional Road system in the Town of Richmond Hill
A bylaw to establish a public highway - Yonge Street (YR1), Town of Newmarket and Town of Richmond Hill
Other Business
168 Credit Rating for The Regional Municipality of York
Regional Chair Emmerson noted that Moody’s Investors Service has assigned York Region its top Triple A rating -- Aaa -- for 15 consecutive years. Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC similarly reaffirmed York Region’s “AA+” credit rating.
Consideration and Adoption of Private Items
169 Private Session
It was moved by Regional Councillor Heath, seconded by Regional Councillor Jones that Council convene in Private Session for the purpose of considering the following.
1. Development Charges Funding - Solicitor-Client Privilege
2. Labour Relations Matter - Labour Relations
3. Authorization of Option to Secure Lands Agreement Mid-Block Crossing of Highway 404 Between 16th Avenue and Major Mackenzie Drive, City of Markham - Land Acquisition
Council met in Private Session at 11:16 a.m. and reconvened in public at 11:28 a.m.
It was moved by Mayor Hackson, seconded by Regional Councillor Hogg that Council rise and report from Private Session.
170 Development Charges Funding
It was moved by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Regional Councillor Ferri that Council adopt the confidential direction to staff in the confidential memorandum from the Regional Solicitor, dated September 10, 2015.
171 Labour Relations Matter
It was moved by Mayor Van Bynen, seconded by Regional Councillor Taylor that Council receive the confidential memorandum from the Regional Solicitor, dated September 10, 2015.
172 Authorization of Option to Secure Lands Agreement, Mid-Block Crossing of Highway 404 Between 16th Avenue and Major Mackenzie Drive, City of Markham
It was moved by Mayor Scarpitti, seconded by Regional Councillor Jones that Council adopt the following recommendations in the private report of the Commissioner of Transportation and the Commissioner of Corporate Services, dated August 26, 2015:
1. Council authorize entering into an Option to Purchase Lands Agreement with Cachet Woodbine (CPL) Ltd. and the City of Markham.
2. The Regional Chair and Regional Clerk be authorized to execute the contract, subject to approval of Legal Services as to the form and content.
Confirmatory Bylaw
173 Bylaw 2015-54
It was moved by Mayor Van Bynen, seconded by Mayor Quirk that Council enact Bylaw No. 2015-54 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on September 24, 2015.
The Council meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk
Minutes to be confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Regional Council held on October 15, 2015.
Wayne Emmerson, Regional Chair