[Contents of Committee of the Whole Reports]
The Council of
The Regional Municipality of York
Revised Agenda
June 23, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
York Region Administrative Centre
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario
Quorum: 11
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, regional.clerk@york.ca, 18774649675 extension 71320]
A. Disclosures of Interest
B. Minutes of Council
B.1 Council Meeting held on May 19, 2016
C. Presentation
C.1 York Region Rapid Transit Corporation 2015 Annual Report
Mary-Frances Turner, President, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
D. Deputation
(Subject to Council granting deputant status.)
[Click on the title of the following Deputation to view it]
D.1 Transportation Master Plan
Dr. Anthony Francescucci, President, Weston Downs Ratepayers Association
(Please refer to Clause 4 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 10)
E. Communications
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
E.1 10-Year Housing Plan 2015 Progress Report
Valerie Shuttleworth, Chief Planner, Corporate Services dated June 14, 2016
(Please refer to Clause 17 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 10)
E.2 Notice of Study Completion - Transportation Environmental Study Report - Highway 404 from 407 ETR to Green Lane
Neil Ahmed, Consultant Project Manager, MMM Group Limited dated June 9, 2016
E.3 Planning and Preliminary Design Study - 407 Transitway from east of Kennedy Road to east of Brock Road
Grant Kauffman, Senior Environmental Planner, LGL Limited dated June 7, 2016
E.4 Railway Crossings Grade Separation Prioritization Study
Stephen Huycke, Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill dated June 6, 2016
E.5 2016 Transportation Master Plan
Dr. Anthony Francescucci, President, Weston Downs Ratepayers Association
(Please refer to Clause 4 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 10)
E.6 Regional Express Rail Update
Daniel Kostopoulos, Commissioner of Transportation Services dated June 22, 2015
(Please refer to Clause 5 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 10)
E.7 Duffin Creek Plant Annual Sustainability Report
Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services dated June 23, 2016
E.8 Proposed Amendment No. 137 to the Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan
Tom Pechkovsky, Manager, Planning Services, York Catholic District School Board dated June 22, 2016
(Please refer to Clause 6 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 11)
E.9 Proposed Amendment No. 137 to the Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan
Tim Jessop, Associate, Weston Consulting dated June 22, 2016
(Please refer to Clause 6 of Committee of the Whole Report No. 11)
F. Consideration and Adoption of Reports
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
F.1 Report No. 10 of the Committee of the Whole - June 9, 2016
F.2 Report No. 11 of the Committee of the Whole - June 16, 2016
F.3 Report No. 2 of the Audit Committee - June 8, 2016
F.4 Report No. 1 of the Debenture Committee - May 19, 2016
G. Introduction and Consideration of Bylaws
[Click on the numbers of the following Bylaws to view them]
G.1 Bylaw No. 2016-39
A bylaw to delegate authority to the Regional Treasurer to establish “clawback” percentages for the 2016 taxation year for the commercial and industrial property classes
G.2 Bylaw No. 2016-40
A bylaw for the imposition of wastewater works development charges against land in the Nobleton Community of the Township of King
G.3 Bylaw No. 2016-41
To amend Bylaw No. R-629-79-109 to authorize the erection of stop signs
G.4 Bylaw No. 2016-42
A bylaw to authorize an agreement for the provision of a municipal capital facility at 9275 Markham Road, City of Markham
G.5 Bylaw No. 2016-43
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2011-57 being a bylaw to appoint a risk management official and risk management inspectors
G.6 Bylaw No. 2016-45
To abandon certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Major Mackenzie Drive West (YR 25), City of Vaughan
G.7 Bylaw No. 2016-46
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the construction of the bus rapid transit corridor along Yonge Street, Town of Newmarket
G.8 Bylaw No. 2016-47
To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the widening and reconstruction of Yonge Street, Town of Newmarket and Town of East Gwillimbury
G.9 Bylaw No. 2016-48
A bylaw to establish a public highway - Major Mackenzie Drive, Yonge Street, 14th Avenue, Woodbine Avenue
G.10 Bylaw No. 2016-49
To remove part of Old Bloomington Road from the Regional Road System in the Town of Aurora and the Town of Richmond Hill
G.11 Bylaw No. 2016-50
A bylaw to amend Bylaw NO. D-0176-2006-018 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the amount of $39,200,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Regional Municipality of York
G.12 Bylaw No. 2016-51
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. D-0177-2006-019 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the amount of $28,952,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Regional Municipality of York
G.13 Bylaw No. 2016-52
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2008-38 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $10,800,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Regional Municipality of York
G.14 Bylaw No. 2016-53
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2008-37 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $12,348,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Regional Municipality of York
G.15 Bylaw No. 2016-54
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2011-39 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $6,000,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the Township of King
G.16 Bylaw No. 2016-55
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2011-63 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $6,000,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
G.17 Bylaw No. 2016-56
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2011-64 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $12,806,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the City of Vaughan
G.18 Bylaw No. 2016-57
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2012-78 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $22,446,975.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the City of Vaughan
G.19 Bylaw No. 2016-58
A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2014-74 being a bylaw to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $9,056,000.00 towards the cost of certain capital works of The Corporation of the City of Vaughan
H. Motions
I. Notice of Motion
J. Other Business
J.1 Additional Council Meeting on September 8, 2016
J.2 Council Education Session on September 29, 2016
K. Private Session
Motion to resolve into Private Session to consider the following:
K.1 Unionville Affordable Seniors’ Housing Development Agreements - Land Acquisition
K.2 Memorandum - Buttonville Airport Redevelopment - OMB Update - Litigation
L. Public Session
Motion to reconvene in Public Session
Adoption of recommendations from Private Session
M. Confirmatory Bylaw
Introduction of Bylaw No. 2016-44 to confirm the proceedings of Council at this meeting
N. Adjournment